Chapter 14

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 Thursday 14th of January 2010 – Carson (LA)

After morning training, the team is headed back to the hotel. There, everyone splits up to go shower and get ready for their free lunch and afternoon.

"Kelley?", Hope calls out, before the young forward can enter the building.

"Yes?", she replies, turning around.

"W-would you like to join me for lunch?", the alpha asks.

"Sorry", Kelley responds, looking down before looking at her mate, "I already made lunch and afternoon plans with Toby, Ash, and Rylie"

"Oh ok", Hope says, with a bit of saddens in her voice, "Have fun"

Hope then walks defeated towards the hotel's entrance. Kelley seeing her mate sad from her rejection calls out to her.


"Yes?", she says, turning around.

"W-we c-can may-maybe go out f-for diner?", the omega asks before adding, looking down "only if you want"

"Yeah I would love that, I will make the plans", Hope replies smiling, "I will pick you up at 6 at your room."

"Okay see you later", Kelley says before going into the hotel.

The alpha stands outside for a few minutes smiling and happy that her mate is willing to go on a date with her.


After taking her shower, Kelley and Rylie go down to the lobby to meet with Tobin and Ash. The three players decide to go eat at Bueno's Pizzeria since it's close to the aquarium they want to go to. Plus the restaurant is only 15 minutes away.

Before they could leave the hotel, they are called out.

"Guys wait", Christie shouts to them.

"What!", Kelley says sighing.

"Watch your tone Missy", her mother says, before continuing, "please be careful, Ash and Tobs keep them safe. Kel here some money for lunch and the aquarium for the four of you. And be here for dinner."

"Don't worry we will be here around five-thirty since Hope is taking me on a date at 6.", Kelley comments.

"And why am I learning about this now?", Christie asks, crossing her arms on her chest.

"I agree with the lady, when were going to tell us?", Tobin questions.

"I honestly forgot, it slip my mind until now", the omega answers.

"Hope is a meanie, she got mad at sissy", Rylie says.

"I know she was but she is saying sorry every day until I forgive her.", Kelley says looking in her sister's eyes.

After the chat, the small group walks out of the hotel to one of the team vans. For the next 15 minutes, they are singing to the songs on the radio and laughing a lot.

Arriving at Bueno's Pizzeria, they get a table immediately and order their pizza and drinks. After a very fun lunch with jokes told throughout the meal, they leave for the Aquarium of the Pacific.

They were at the aquarium for two hours, from 1 pm to 3 pm. During these two hours, they visited several exhibits. They started with the coral reefs expo, where they saw green sea turtles, the group was surprised that the marine animal is bigger than Rylie. They saw flashlight fishes, which captivated their attention, pom-pom crabs and twinspot lionfishes. They went on to the Penguins exhibits, where the little omega was fascinated with how they walk. Ashlyn commented on how they walked like toddlers, making the others laugh. After the penguins, they went to the Sea otter habitat, making Rylie want to hug one because they are furry and look soft. Fortunately for them, they were able to hold the otters. Kelley helped her sister to hold one so the mammal wouldn't slip through her arms. And lastly, they went to the shark lagoon. It's a no-miss since Ashlyn is a shark lover. Luckily, they are allowed to pet them, although Rylie was a bit scared of them at first before the older alpha told her that they won't bite her. With Ash and Toby next to her and being in her sister's arms, she overcame her fear by petting the sharks.

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