Chapter 27

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Saturday 6th of March 2010 – JFK, New York

Tobin, Kelley, and Rylie were the first ones to fly out of JFK, quickly followed by Cheney and A-rod. After they left, Hope is bombarded with questions by the team.

"Why are you still here?"

"Why didn't you leave with them?"

Hope sits next to Carli and sighs, "Kelley doesn't want me to go with her to Georgia and she didn't want to come to Seattle with me."

"Why?", Alex asks confused, before adding, "She's your mate, shouldn't she want to be with you?"

"I don't know. When I asked if I could go with her to her house, she tensed and declined the offer, stating she wanted to spend time with her family before the league starts."

"That's understandable but I still think you could have gone with her.", Kate says.

"I don't understand, especially since you guys have mated, and us, omegas, don't want to be separated from our alpha.", Mittsy adds.

"Guys do you think that this is linked to what we were talking about in the hotel room the other day?", HAO asks.

"Maybe", Carli answers.

"I think so, or why wouldn't she want Solo not to go with her. Even with Solo being with her, Kels could still spend time with her family.", Becky adds.

"I agree with you", Hope says, "When I suggested I could know her family more, she tensed but quickly relaxed but I saw it. I think you are right Casey, she is hiding something, but not only her but Tobin and Rylie. They are always together."

When the alpha finishes, her phone rings, "Hello", she answers her phone.

"Hello, am I speaking to Hope Solo?"

"Yes, this is she"

"Hey, I'm Albertin Montoya, coach of the FC Gold Pride and I am excited to announce that your trade demand to our team has been accepted", he says.

"Really?", Hope asks smiling, "thank you so much, I can't wait to play for you"

The two hang up before the alpha shares the news with her teammates, happy she will be playing and living with her mate in San Francisco.

Soon after, the players are all on their way home. During her flight, Hope can feel Kelley's happiness about being reunited with her family, so she thinks. The alpha lands in Seattle around 9 pm. She is met by her older brother picking her up with dinner.

"Why aren't you with Kelley?", he asks.

"Because she wanted to see her family and she didn't want me to come with", Hope sights.

"That's weird. You could have met her parents and get to know them", Marcus voices.

"I already met her family. And you are right I could get to know them but she still declined after I used that argument", she says sadly.

"Well don't think about it. Spend time with your niece and nephew before leaving again for the league", the elder sibling suggests.

"Yeah, I will do that. Oh, I also got traded to San Francisco so I will be playing on the same team as Kelley", Hope informs her brother.

"That amazing, you get to play and live with your mate for the next 6 months", he exclaims happily for his sister.

Soon Marcus drops Hope at her house in Kirkland.

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