Chapter 24

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The rest of the team head back to the hotel, after packing all their stuff.

During the ride back, Abby is sitting at the back of the bus in the middle of the alphas. Hope and Carli next to her to be able to restrict her in case Abby decides to get angry again. The betas are sitting in the middle of the bus to separate Wambach and the omegas. The omegas are sitting at the front of the bus. They are not relaxed since they saw Rylie injured and they want to comfort her, especially A-rod. The angry pheromones in the air are unsettling for them. Omegas don't like when alphas are pissed off since they can become aggressive and hurt others sometimes.

At the hotel, they head to the conference room, where they meet the staff. In the room, the omegas stand on the other side of it to be way from the angry alphas.

"So what happened?", Pia asks.

"Abby screamed and hit Rylie until she was pretty much covered in blood.", Hope answers angrily.

"Okay, this will be quick. Abby you are going to pack your bags and you will be leaving tonight for the States.", Pia says.

"What! You can't do that!", Abby yells.

"Yes, I can! You are suspended indefinitely until we have a meeting with the US Federation, Christie, and Julie. Now go!", the coach yells, harshly.

Abby leaves the room angrily and slams the door.

"Do Christie and Julie know what happened?", Dawn asks.

"No, not yet but I have a feeling Kelley should do it", Kristine Lilly says.

"Where are Rylie, Tobin, and Kelley by the way?", Pia asks.

"Don't know", Carli says, while the team shrugs.

"I'm going on a limb, but I think the three of them are in the forest. And they are going to spend the night in a den Kelley made.", Cheney says.

"Okay go eat diner and hit the beds", Pia says, dismissing the ladies.

The players start to leave the conference room when Lauren and Amy hold Hope back.

"Yes?", the keeper asks.

"I know it's going to be hard but I think it's best if you don't try to find Kelley", Cheney informs her.

"I think you're right. When I try to run after Tobin, she growled at me, telling me to back off", Hope says.

"Don't worry Tobin and Kelley can keep Rylie safe.", Amy adds.

The team eats their diner, before going to their room for the night.

Hope tries to sleep but she keeps tossing and turning around in her bed, thinking about how her mate, Rylie, and Tobin are doing. She also wants to admire her mate's wolf longer than the 3 seconds she saw her this afternoon.

After a few hours of not being able to sleep, the alpha picks up her phone and calls Christie, not wanting Kelley to be on the receiving end of the yelling.

"Hello", Christie answers the phone.

"Hi cap. Can you put Julie on speaker, please?"

"Sure. What happened?", she asks getting scared, since they asked only to be called in case of an emergency.

"It all started in New York, Abby started to tell Rylie she should stay with her. Then, when we arrived at the hotel, the first night, she had a nightmare about Abby yelling and hitting her. So the kiddo stayed away from her. It only made Abby angrier and angrier day by day. Then, yesterday we went to the beach, after playing a while, Rylie decided to take a second nap. She was at the towels with Becky and Rachel, when Abby took her to the edge of the beach. After I don't really know what happened but we heard a bloody scream. By the time I arrived, Tobin was pining Abby while Kelley was standing over Rylie's bloody body. After Rylie shifted, Kelley picked her up and ran in the forest, with Tobin following.", Hope tells the parents.

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