Chapter 32

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When the team gets back to the resort after their morning team bonding activity, the players all head back to their rooms. Christie and Julie carry a sleeping Rylie and Reece back to their bedroom to lay them down on their beds for them to be in a better position for their nap.

After a few minutes in their hotel room, the New Kids and Kelley meet in the hallway. They head down to the resort swimming pool. There, they set their towels on the chair-decks. Once it's done, they dove into the water.

"What were you guys doing when we accidentally left you in the jungle?", Lauren asks.

"We were talking and enjoying the view from one of the highest trees", Tobin answers.

"Oh my god! What is it with you two with trees?", A-rod questions.

"We love to climb them. It's no secret why we are called Monkey and Squirrel.", Kelley replies.

"Yeah we know but we are wolves too", Amy says, shaking her head.

"How are you two?", Kelley asks looking at the couple.

"We are good, especially that we are on the team in the league.", Cheney answers.

"It's amazing since she is there every day and I don't have to make sure I have enough of her clothes to wear until next time I see her.", A-rod adds.

"I know what you mean Ams, playing with Hope on the same team is awesome, I can wear her clothes whenever, and sleeping in her arms is the best.", Kelley agrees.

"Yeah but you aren't in the same situation since you spend time apart when you visit your families.", Cheney says.

"That's only because we want to see when Hope and the team will find out Kels is Christie's and Julie's pup and I'm their niece.", Tobin verbalizes.

"That's true.", the older omega says, "It's actually funny to see the team wonder why you and Kelley are so close. And why Kels is so good and close to Rylie and Reece."

"It may be funny but is also annoying every time when Hope wants to come and I say no she looks so disappointed. But I know if she could come with me to Georgia, she wouldn't go and visit her family in Seattle.", Kelley says.

The four girls continue to talk about nothing and everything while playing volleyball in the pool since there is a ball and a net. They play for a while, the team being Tobin with Kelley and A-rod with Lauren. The game becomes quickly competitive and they soon stop talking and focus on the game at hand. The game is tight but in the end, the cousins won it. After finishing the game, they get out of the swimming pool and lay down on their towels. They sunbathe while talking here and there.

"Kelley do you want to go on a double date with us?", Cheney asks.

"I would love to but I have to ask Hope", she answers.

"You can easily convince her", Tobin says, "You have her wrap around your finger"

"Don't talk Tobs, you are as much wrapped around Kels' finger as Solo", A-rod says.

"I don't know if you are more whipped for Kelley or Christen", Lauren voices, with her mate nodding in agreement.

"I don't even know. And I don't want to find out.", the alpha in question replies to the comment.

"Anyway back to the double date, I'm in and I think we should make it a triple date with Ash and Ali.", Kelley says, getting the conversation back on track.

"I think is a good idea. We will ask them when we get back up and I will make a reservation for the 6 of us.", Cheney states, taking charge.

The four players stay by the pool longer before heading back up.

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