Chapter 23

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 Friday 19th of February 2010 – Faro, Algarve

After four days of training, the team has a day off. During those days, Abby kept trying to talk or be near to Rylie, but the 4-year-old kept her distance by ignoring her. The situation made the alpha angrier and angrier, especially at the fact that the little omega is always by Kelley's side. And if she isn't by her sister, she is by Tobin's side.


Hope wakes up, as usual, before her mate. Looking at the other bed, she sees that Rylie is still sleeping. The little omega has been sleeping in her bed, for the past two nights.

After reading a few chapters, the alpha wakes up the sisters, since it's 9 o'clock, already.

Hope kisses her mate while rubbing her back until she responds to it.

"Good morning baby girl", she says, when they pull apart.

"Hum, morning Hopey", the omega says, before getting up.

Kelley then sits next to her sleeping sister, rubbing her back to wake her up.

"Wakey wakey, Ryls. It's time to get up."

Rylie turns and buries her face in the older omega's stomach, before stretchering.

After they get ready for breakfast, the trio goes down to the conference room. Like every morning since they got here, Rylie sits in Kelley's lap, cuddling into her while eating. During breakfast, the latecomers learn that the veterans, excluding Hope, decided to make the day off a day at the beach. Carli and Abby went to the hotel kitchen to ask the cooks to prepare the team for a picnic.

After breakfast, the team gets ready for the day, before meeting in the lobby around 10 am. When they all are present and ready, they load the bus and head to Fraia de Faro beach, which is 25mins away.

When they arrive at the beach, the team chooses a spot to put down their bags and relax. Before the players can play or swim, Shannon reminds everyone to put on sun cream.

Rylie, Kelley, Tobin, Ashlyn, Lori, Pinoe, HAO, Alex, Barney, and Ali all decide to go for a swim. They play Chicken Fight Battle Royal for a while. They played several rounds, letting Rylie win a few games.

After an hour of playing in the sea, they head back to the towels. Rylie, Kelley, and Tobin join Shannon, Barny, Lauren, and Amy, who are building sandcastles. While the others are either tanning, reading, or doing both.

Around half past noon, the team decides to eat lunch. The soccer players enjoy their picnic while making jokes, laughing, and telling stories.

In the middle of telling stories, Abby decides to ask a question she wants the answer to.

"Hey Rylie, where do you live exactly?", the alpha asks, hoping to get an answer since Christie isn't here to dodge the question.

Tobin, Kelley and Rylie, all cringe at the question.

"Uh, I don't know", the 4-year-old replies, looking up at her sister.

"How don't you know? What happens if you get lost?", Abby questions getting angry when Rylie looks at Kelley for reassurance.

"I-I do k-know w-where I l-live but moms said not t-to t-tell", the little omega answers.

The reply gets the alpha angrier. Abby's furious face and balled hands make Rylie crawl into her sister's lap since she is scared her nightmare will come true. The movement causes the alpha to get angrier and lets out a growl. The snarl leads Kelley to tighten her arms around her sister and Rylie cuddles closer to her. Seeing her little cousin's state, Tobin lets out a powerful and protective growl while getting up to stand in front of Abby.

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