Chapter 37

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Monday 20th of December 2010 – Kirkland, Washington

Hope wakes up to her alarm blasting through the bedroom at 6 am. She turns around to shut it off. Looking down at her mate, she is not surprised to see that Kelley slept through the alarm. Knowing the omega has to catch her flight to Atlanta in 3 hours, the older woman wakes her up like always by kissing the forward until she responds. Kelley whines a little since she wants to sleep and she is sore.

"Hopey, please no more. I can't go another round. I'm too sore.", the omega whines.

"I know, I know", Hope says pulling out of her mate, now that her knot has deflated, before adding, "It's time to wake up if you want to catch your flight".

Kelley turns around and gets out of bed only to fall to the ground seeing as her body is really sore from yesterday's and the night's activities. Hope is quickly by her side to help her up and into a bath to help with the soreness even if the bath has to be short.

"Ah! That feels good", the forward states sinking into the warm water, "I don't know how I am going to walk today.", she adds.

The comment makes the Lycan alpha proud of herself knowing she pleased her omega. Hope leans down to kiss Kelley on her lips before leaving a tender kiss on her forehead. She then heads to the door before turning around.

"Baby girl take a quick bath since we need to leave in 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I will make you breakfast", the goalkeeper says gaining a nod.

After a quick bath and breakfast, the mated couple is on their way to the airport. During the 40 minute drive, Kelley falls back asleep while Hope listens to music on a low volume.

They get to the airport right on time for the Stanford grad 9 am flight. The Lycan alpha goes with her mate to the gate.

Once the flight to Atlanta is called, Hope and Kelley hug and kiss for a little bit before holding each other.

"I love you alpha. I have a nice holiday", Kelley says.

"I love you too my omega. Have fun, okay", Hope replies leaning in again to kiss her mate.

Once Kelley has boarded the plane, the goalkeeper is on her way to her grandma's house for a family lunch at her brother's request.


Los Angeles, California

It's almost 7 am and the Press family are all in the two awaiting taxis parked in front of their house. The only two members missing are Christen and Tobin as if it was a surprise. Not even waiting for five minutes, the omega emerges from the house dragging a half-asleep alpha behind her. She locks the front door before the mated couple heads towards the taxis.

"Finally!", Tyler, one of Christen's sisters, exclaims.

"You know, it's not easy to wake Toby up in the morning, let alone this early.", Christen says, glancing at her mate, "See, we just sat down and she's asleep again", she adds gaining a few chuckles from her family.

After a 40 minute drive, the Press family and Tobin are at LAX airport meeting up with some extended family joining them in Georgia for Christmas and maybe New Year's Eve. After greeting each other, the group heads inside to check-in.

After going through security, they all head to get breakfast and more importantly coffee. Their flight is at 9:30 am so they have about 30 minutes before boarding to enjoy their breakfast at the gate.

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