Chapter 36

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Saturday 18th of December 2010 – Kirkland, Washington

Hope wakes up earlier than usual this Saturday morning. She reaches for her phone while trying not to wake Kelley up who is asleep on her chest. She looks at the time only to realize it's only 5:30 am. Not able to go back to sleep, the alpha decides to cherish her mate that is cuddled up in her arms since she knows it will be one of her last mornings with the younger woman before she leaves for Georgia.

Two hours later, Hope resolves it's time to get up and prepare breakfast knowing they have a long day ahead of them. The couple had decided to celebrate Christmas together as they will be celebrating the actual day with their respective families. Soon, after Hope left the bed, Kelley turns in her sleep looking for her mate's warmth. Not finding her body, the omega wake up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes wondering where the older woman could be. Very quickly Kelley's question is answered when she smells eggs and bacon. Slipping out of bed, in only Hope's t-shirt, the omega makes her way to the kitchen, where her mate is putting the last breakfast plates on the table. Kelley walks up to Hope and wraps her arms around her mate's neck to be able to kiss her which the alpha happily returns.

"Good morning baby girl", Hope greets. '

"Morning babe", Kelley replies while sitting down to have breakfast.

After a few minutes, Hope breaks the silence, "Remember, we are cooking our Christmas meal this afternoon", she says.

"YES! Finally, lots of food and presents!", Kelley squeals excitedly, looking up from her plate.

Hope laughs at how excited her omega is for the food and the presents, well everything that makes Christmas, Christmas.

"But, we have the morning free. What do you want to do?", she asks.

"Well we could go to the forest and let our wolves run and play for a bit since it's been a while since we let them out.", Kelley answers.

"That's a great idea, I love it", the goalkeeper agrees before adding while clapping her hands, "we have a plan for the day."

After finishing and cleaning breakfast, the mated couple gets ready for their outing to the forest. Not even half an hour later, they hop into the car and on their way to the closest forest, that's not a park.

During the car ride, Hope and Kelley sing to country music, well more like the omega sang and the alpha admiring her mate's voice.

"Wow, I didn't know you could sing", she says with a proud smile resting on her lips.

"Thanks", Kelley shyly says looking down towards her lap.

"Hey, don't be shy. I love your voice.", Hope says glancing at her mate making her smile before redirecting her eyes to the road ahead. "Since when do you sing?", she asks.

"Since I was a kid", the omega replies before going back to singing when one of her favorite country singers', Luke Comb, song is being played.

Just after 9 am, Hope parks the car, and the mated couple hops out of the vehicle. They walk hand in hand for a few minutes into the woods before shifting. Once in their wolves form, the Lycan alpha rubs her scent on her omega so that her mate smells like her and to show to who she belongs in case they run into other wolves. Kelley doesn't mind Hope being overprotective due to her past and she loves when her fur smells like her mate, plus the older woman doesn't affectionately. The alpha makes sure to rub her head against her omega's and lick her face to yearn a few wolfy giggles.

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