Chapter 34

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Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great summer and that school isn't kicking your but (if you are still in school).

I'm sorry that I didn't update for almost 2 months. I was in Namibia for 5 weeks where the Internet was not the best. So I decided to take a break from writing and enjoy my trip there.

Now I'm back and hopefully, I will be able to update every week. It will mostly depend on my school work since I just entered my 2nd year of Master's.

I hope you like this chapter and thank you for reading my book!


Saturday 11th of December 2010 – San Francisco, California

Yesterday was Christen's last day at Stanford and today it's her last day in San Francisco before laying out tomorrow to Los Angeles with Tobin.

Seeing as they haven't officially gone on a date since Tobin flew out to see her omega, the older woman decides to take her out for dinner.

"Hey babe", the alpha calls out for her mate.

"Yes?", Christen asks looking up from her book.

"Since we are already packed for the most, I was thinking we should go out for dinner", she says rubbing the back of her neck, a gesture Tobin does when she is nervous.

"Like a date?", the Californian woman asks gaining a nod from her mate before adding, "I would love to"

"Cool", Tobin exclaims leaving the room to book a table at the restaurant she wants to go to.


When 6 o'clock hits, Christen is all dressed up and ready. She walks into the leaving room looking for her mate. She notices that Tobin isn't in there. She can't even get mad that her date isn't ready yet, since she is always late. When the omega plans an outing or an event, she always lies about the time to Tobin and Kelley, when she is involved, so they can be on time, well not as late.

Christen sits on the couch and grabs her book to read. After just 15 minutes, Tobin emerges into the living room.

"Sorry I'm late", she apologizes to her mate.

"It's okay. I was expecting it. Plus you're only...", Christen says looking at her watch before adding, "15 minutes late, so pretty much on time on Tobin's clock."

When Christen roses from the couch, Tobin can't help but stare up and down her mate's figure. The omega is wearing a green dress, which brings her eyes out, with some black heels.

Christen is also checking out her alpha. Tobin is wearing black dress pants with a green t-shirt to match her date, all paired up with black shoes.

"Shall we go?", Christen asks.

"Yes, let's go", Tobin replies, breaking out of her trance.

In the car, the Stanford grad is trying to guess which restaurant they will eat at. She thinks about which restaurants she wants to try or the one she or Tobin loved. Having enough of guessing, she decided to ask the question on her mind.

"Where are we going?", she asks.

"We're going to that Brazilian restaurant you wanted to try out.", Tobin answers.

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