Chapter Sixty-Two

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Chapter Sixty-Two - Pain Management


As soon as we crossed the treaty line, I tensed up. My hand gripped Carlisle's medical bag a little bit tighter.

"Gah- it smell's like wet dogs," I scrunch up my nose as I glance over at Carlisle.

"Yes, well... I found that holding my breath helps with the... odor." Carlisle glances over at me with a ghost of a smile on his face. Despite how cordial he was, not even he could deny that overwhelming stench that the dogs seemed to carry with them.

I click my tongue and nod my head. "Smart man."


As soon as the car came to a stop, a huge rush of people appeared on either side of the car. Each of them sports the same matching tattoo on their upper arm.

"Whose she?" One sneered, glancing at me in disgust.

"Carlisle, I'm one second from throwing my hands up and leaving. You know as well as I do that I'm doing this out of the small sliver of my unbeating heart that still holds onto some goodness. So do me a favor and get these idiots under control before I storm out of here..." I hiss, glancing at Carlisle and roughly throwing him his medial bag.

Carlisle sighs, knowing full well that I would go through with my threat. "Sam, this is my adopted daughter Genevive... she has some skill that I think could be helpful in lowering Jacob's pain-"

"I think that Jake could rather kiss a slug than be anywhere near her," another voice muttered, crossing his arms as he looked me over.

"Alright! That's it!" I throw my hands up into the air and look over at Carlise. "I told you this was a shitty idea! I told you! But did you listen to me? No! Now, look where we are! In the middle of the fucking woods, helping someone who clearly doesn't want help! I'm done! I'm done! This shit is- fuck this! You know, I could be sitting on the couch with my husband right now! Instead of being surrounded by dogs that seem to constantly smell like shit!"

"Paul! Shut your mouth," Sam growls, whipping his head over at the person that had made both snide comments. "They're here based on their own willingness to help Jacob... if you're not willing to respect them while they do that, then you can leave."

His words quiet the entire group, who all purse their lips but nod their heads.

"I... apologize on his behalf," Sam mutters, glancing over at me in an attempt to restore any chance that there was for me to help Jacob, who was currently screaming out in agony.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes and look from him to Carlisle. "Are we just going to stand here or...?"


Stepping into the room, I quickly made my way over to Jacob and held onto his uninjured shoulder.

"It's already healed significantly, Carlisle," I mutter, glancing back at him and shaking my head.

"What's that mean?" Sam asks, glancing from me to Jacob to Carlisle.

"It means that we all better hope that this plan works..." Carlisle mutters, putting his bag down and rolling up his sleeves.

"Or else?"

"Or else, Jacob's going to be screaming in immense amounts of pain very soon," Carlisle finishes softly. Bending over the bed, Carlisle glances over at me and nods. "Go ahead."

"Jacob, you're not going to feel any of this," I say firmly to him, watching as his body relaxed onto the bed, making Sam widen his eyes in surprise. I sigh as I step back, look back at Carlisle, and nod. "You should start. I don't know how long this'll work."

Carlisle quickly instructed us both what to do, swiftly going to him and beginning the slow and arduous process of rebreaking his bones and setting them correctly.


Thankfully for the next few hours, Jacob stays relatively silent, much to everyone's relief.

Out of the small window, we all watched as the sun begins to lower and the moon begins to rise into the sky, causing all the crickets and other nocturnal bugs to quickly fill up the once, relatively quiet atmosphere.

As even more hours pass, my eyes begin to darken due to the sheer amount of focus that I have to keep in order to prevent Jacob from screaming out in agony.

Carlisle lets out a sigh, stepping back and nodding towards Sam. "The worst is over..."

Sam nods his head and lets out a long breath.

As Carlisle rummages through his bag for his morphine, the sound of a car rumbling and a door suddenly slamming shut makes me jump. The sudden sound was a vast difference from the silence that I had grown used to hearing for so long. My hold on Jacob drops, causing him a scream out in pain when Carlisle gently grasps his arm, needle in hand to administer the morphine.

"Shit. Jacob, Jacob, Jacob," I say, hurriedly calling out to him from the corner of the room, "you're fine. You're not gonna feel anything."

He slowly falls silent once again, making us all let out a sigh.

Slowly, Carlisle moves to administer some of the morphine that he had brought, letting out a sigh when he realized how quickly it would be burned up. He covers the needle in its cap before putting it into a separate box and putting the rest of his materials away. He hands Sam some wrapping and begins to instruct him on how to wrap Jacob's shoulder, stopping when he realizes that Sam already knew the process.

Silently he gathered all of his things before standing and nodding at me, giving me a thankful smile before turning to Sam and offering him a reassuring smile. "He should be just fine in a few wee- well, with his accelerated healing it should only be a few days."

I slowly let him out of my gift, not wanting to shock his body with too much pain all at once until I knew that the morphine had kicked in. He lets out a few small moans and grunts when he loses the hours-long relief he had felt with my gift, the sound of which results in Sam wincing.

After a few seconds, Jacob falls relatively silent, the morphine doing its job as it rushes through his body. Sam glances back at him before nodding his head and ushering us out of the room and towards the front door.

"The worst is over," Carlisle states, stepping outside to look at the small group that had formed outside the door. "He'll be alright."

I note how everyone lets out a sigh of relief. I hastily step out from behind him and look around, my now dark eyes noticing Bella.

Turning towards Carlisle and gave him a nod, watching as he returned it, gently patting me on the shoulder.

"I gave him some morphine, but his body temperature will burn it off soon," he continued, "I'll come back to set up a drip."

"The morphine will help to lessen the pain, not as much as I would be able to, but it'll still help," I say, noting how everyone winced at the sound of Jacob groaning painfully.

Sending them all a quick nod, I quickly race away from the house, the tiny tingling sensation that had begun to form in my throat making me eager to hunt.


happy first day of 2022 (i hope that it's better than 2021 was)!
don't forget to comment and vote!

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