Chapter Seventy-Six

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Chapter Seventy-Six - Who's to Blame


Sitting back in the chair, I scrunched up my nose as I smelled a wet dog enter the house. Sharing a glance with Rose as I listened to quiet words being exchanged.

"Jake, is that you?" Bella called out, the house fell silent for a split second. The tension only rose as the sound of heavy footsteps got louder and louder.

Eventually Jake stepped into the room, his eyes looking over everyone he could see before falling back on Rose, who was standing protectively in front of Bella. He slowly started forward, trying to look around Rose to see Bella.

"I'm glad you came," she said awkwardly, fiddling nervously with the blanket that covered her. He took a few more hesitant steps forward before Rose stepped forward to stop him.

"Close enough," she declared, her arms crossed as she continued to stand guard in front of Bella.

"What's your problem?" Jacob asked, his voice tense as he looked at her in the eyes. The room's already tense atmosphere seemed to only get worse as the two stared each other down, neither willing to back off.

"Rose, it's okay," Bella assured. Rose bit her lip and her gaze fell as Jacob stepped around her and sat down on the coffee table in front of Bella.

He fell silent as he looked he over, sighing softly. "You look terrible."

He wasn't wrong.

Over the last two weeks, Bella had only gotten worse. Her body became frail and weak, causing her to be couch-ridden for most of the day. She hadn't been eating much of anything, not being able to keep anything down long enough for her body to process it, leading to her body not getting the needed nutrients. Her face was sunken in, her facial bones only getting clear and more prominent against her face as the days went by. She had lost any and all of her muscle, leaving her to basically look like a human skeleton.

Bella smiled softly as she looked down, still fiddling with her blanket. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too."

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" He asked, his eyes glancing around the room.

She weakly chuckled as she looked down and then up to Rose. "Rose, you wanna help me up?"

Rose carefully moved over to her and offered her hands as Bella threw the blanket off her lap, exposing her very pregnant belly to Jacob, who gasped and stood up.

He looked from her stomach up to her face then back down. Biting his lip as he turned to Edward, who looked pained to see his wife in such a state.

"You did this," Jacob tensely announced, storming over to him, only being stopped by Emmett forcibly pushing him back. Edward paid him no mind, lost in his own depressing thoughts.

"We didn't know it was even possible," Carlisle explained, trying to diffuse the situation.

"What is it?" Jacob asked, turning around to look at him.

"I'm not sure," he replied honestly, "ultrasounds and needs won't penetrate the embryonic sac."

"I can't see it either," Alice said, standing up from her best and looking at Jacob, then shifting her gaze to Bella before looking back down at the ground nervously. "And I can't see Bella's future anymore."

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on," Carlisle continued. "What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing."

"W- why haven't you done anything?" Jacob sputtered out, "take it out of her!"

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