Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Chapter Seventy-Eight - Fractures


Sitting down at the table, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, and I all began to try and read more about Bella's condition, having found a few more ancient books on it.

Edward sat at the computer and started clicking through, his face one of concern and fear. As the minutes passed, his clicking only got faster and sharper. Abruptly, he stood up, the speed pushing his chair back, his face pulled tight as he quickly left the room.

The four of us shared a glance before looking back down at the ancient yellowing pages that sat in front of us, hoping for some sort of push in the right direction.


Smiling, I let out a small chuckle as I help Esme put together sandwiches for Jacob and his friends. The stress of Bella's impending labor and Sam's attack left my mind for the first time in weeks.

"That one doesn't look that bad!" I exclaim happily, pointing my knife down at the sandwich that I had just finished putting together.

"I'm glad that you never cooked for Bella," Theo teased from the other side of the counter, "I think you would've given her food poisoning."

I scoffed as I turned back to him, squinting as I pointed my knife in his direction. "I am offended! I am not a terrible cook!"

He smirked as he casually shrugged his shoulders at me. Esme just chuckled as she packaged the sandwiches beside me.

"I'm going to go give these out. Thank you for your help, Genevieve."

"Anytime," I say cheerfully, watching as she headed outside. "That was fun. I think cooking is like, my thing now!"

"No. Please don't make cooking 'your thing'. I am begging you please don't," Theo said, his eyes widening in horror at the thought. I just roll my eyes as I put away all of the ingredients, putting the dirty dishes into the sink.

"So," I say casually, "what now?"

"I saw that Emmett got a new video game..."

"Oh, you're on! Get ready to lose!"


Sighing, I looked away from Bella's scans. Sharing a glance with Carlisle before looking back at Bella.

"Your rib is cracked. But they aren't any splinters," I say softly.

"You haven't punctured anything," Carlisle continued.

"Yet," Edward whispered from his spot in the corner of the room. He looked over at Bella, who looked away, not wanting to face the possibility of her baby- their baby- hurting her.

"Edward," Carlisle chastised softly.

"It's breaking her bones now," He continued, acting as if he hadn't heard Carlisle. "It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, Genevieve, tell her what you told me. Tell her."

I looked over at Carlisle briefly before looking back at the wall. Bella looked from Edward to the two of us, an uncertain look on her face.

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