Chapter Eighty-Three

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Chapter Eighty-Three - Renesmee


Silently, I stepped into the room, leaning against the doorframe as I watched Rose gingerly hold Renesmee in her arms. Looking down at the newborn with disdain, not liking how much trouble it had already caused for us.

"Do you want to hold her?" Rose asks, turning her head to send me an encouraging smile.

I quickly shake my head, standing straighter as I step cautiously into the room. The rest of the house falls silent, everyone either looking over Bella or out hunting.

"She won't hurt you, you know," Rose teased, watching me with a playful smile as she continued to rock the baby.

I vehemently shake my head nonetheless but continue to look at the newborn.

She let out a little gurgle as she opened her eyes to look at me.

"It's not normal," I mutter, pressing my hand onto my chest and nervously fiddling with the 4-pendent necklace that sat there. "This entire thing isn't normal..."

My eyes zoom back and forth as I continue to mutter to myself.

"Gen? Are you okay?" Rose asks, pressing a reassuring hand onto my shoulder as she looks at me in concern.

"Just get it away from me!" I scream, shoving my shoulder away from her hand and clenching my hands into fists. "Just... get her away from me... please."

Rose does just as I ask and quickly back away from me, cradling Renesmee a little closer to her chest as she looks at me with wide eyes.

"I- I can't... I can't do this, I'm sorry." I flicker my dark eyes up to Rose before quickly turning on my heels and rushing out of the room.


Theo and Jasper were both outside on the porch, the two men's golden eyes sweeping the perimeter of the house for the 6th time in an hour.

Apparently, they wanted to make sure that it was completely safe before they let their mates- and the rest of the family- go hunting. The threat of the wolves was still in our minds, regardless of their imprinting law.

Alice was fluttering behind Esme, the two wordlessly standing where I was once, looking in at Rose and Renesmee in awe.

Carlisle and Edward were with Bella, the two men sharing some quiet words as they check over Bella for the 3rd time today. Carlisle wanted to do regular updates to see if there was any progress with her change which should happen 'any day now', according to the good doctor.

Edward, on the other hand, just wanted to be with his wife. He had spent the night cradling Renesmee as she slept. The two silently bond as he hums some of his favorite classical piano pieces to her. Every time, whether she's asleep or not, the little hybrid baby smiles and snuggles just a little further into his chest.

Rose was beside herself with excitement, always lingering a few feet behind Renesmee, watching her with a kind of motherly love in her golden eyes. She was the first to volunteer for anything that was even remotely related to Renesmee, wanting to help strengthen and cement her relationship with her niece.

Alice had quickly and happily taken up the mantle of dressing the baby. Going out at any and all hours of the day to shop for her new 'favorite niece'. It certainly didn't help that online shopping had recently become a new favorite tool that allowed Alice to buy countless more clothes overnight. She and Rosalie happily worked together to dress Renesmee up like their own personal doll, making sure to take plenty of photos for Bella, when she woke up, to look at.

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