chapter 46

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Chapter 46

'Aren't you coming?' I asked Jesse. He pulled me closer to his side, I looked up at him, a whirl pool of expressions. I can usually read him like a book, but not at the moment. He noticed me looking at him and built a wall. Too high for me to see over and I can't read his expression. I grabbed his hand and squeeze it, hoping for an answer to my question. The silence continues to swallow us, making me feel more anxious. Butterflies fill my stomach and making me feel like I'm going to puke.

'Guy's driving the van. We'll be right behind you.' Jesse finally answered. His voice monotone, his stayed on the large iron gates. I looked around, the sky was grey. Rain threatening to ruin the day. This day can't get any worst than it already is. Libby was stood talking the Christopher, Teddy in her arms. The twins are sat in front of us on the steps and there isn't a book or mobile in sight. Christian and Jade are sat together, Jade in a skimpy outfit and a huge grin.

Beth and Kade are sat talking, Kade is doing most of the talking and Beth is silent. I wonder if she's going to tell him today. That made my wonder to my little 'vision' I had in the kitchen. There's no question in my mind that the little girl is Beth and Kade's little girl. I wonder if that's the baby growing in Beth at the moment. Or is it a different baby? She was so cute, so much like Kade. But the ginger locks and smile scream Beth.

And who was the little boy who grabbed my hand. He was so like Jesse. The dirty blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, tanned skin. No doubt Jesse child. It makes me wonder who his mum is. I would like to think it was me, but he looked nothing like me. All I could see was Jesse. I wonder what the children's names are. And was it true? Will that be happening in five years?

I feel Jesse grab my hand. And squeeze it tight bring the real world back. I hear a car engine and my head shoots up. The mini van is park and silent. Not making a noise. Amy, Aaron and Guy are sat in the van.

I can feel Jesse tugging on my hand. I look at him, he's stood a few steps in front. A small sad smile sat on his lips, a misty layer coving his eyes. But he's staying strong for me. I take a glance over his shoulder and see the Yew York taxi cab. I become short of breath and I felt light headed. If I take another step I'll land in the mud. My feet stop and I can't move my body.

Jesse comes closer to me. He planted a kiss on my forehead and wrapped his arm around my waist. He started walking towards the taxi, my heart pounding and a huge lump formed in my throat. Making it hard to breath, suffocating me. We both stopped in front of the cab, the rain drenching us head to foot. He pulled me into his side, turning everything dark. The lump in my throat stopped me breathing for a few moments. I could hear Jesse's heart beat, I don't know who's was beating faster, mine or Jesse's.

'Come on kid. We have a plane to catch, we can't wait all day.' My mum complained but I didn't move. Jesse's arms went from holding me and being strong and then they went limp and fell to my side. I took a small step backwards and looked up at him. His eyes dull and a grey colour. The blue had died and so had the sparkle. We're both soaked head from foot. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned my head to see my mum's orange, plastic face. Austin was holding an umbrella over her platinum blonde hair. Even though he was holding the umbrella he was not under the umbrella. His grey t-shirt and blue open shirt were going see-through. His jeans had gone a dark colour and become more dense. His once blue trainers are now covered in mud.

Mum opened the cab door and pushed me in. She climbed into the passengers side at the front whilst Austin climbed into the back. He sat next to me but got in the other side. I sat with my legs hanging out of the cab and looked up at Jesse, who was still standing in the rain. His dirty blonde hair looking more brown than blonde. His blue shirt clung to his skin, showing of his stomach. His jeans were darker than usual and denser.

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