Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The day went pretty quickly. I spent all day with Amy, Aaron and Jesse. And tonight we go on holiday. I was so excited.

Everyones bags and cases were in the entrance. There where so many! It was hard to get around from the staircase to the kitchen. It looked like somebody was just moving into the place. We have to be up at three in the morning so we are going to me in time for the flight. So me, Amy, Aaron, Jesse, Bobby and Joey were 'camping' out in the living room. Me and Amy one one sofa, Bobby and Joey on another Aaron and Jess are in sleeping bags on the floor. They'd blown up an air bed. None of us could sleep. We were all excited.

'What movie do you want to watch?' Joey asked.

'I'm not fussed. I'm going to make snacks.' I told them. I climbed off the couch and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge looking thought it. I got out chocolate, strawberries, chocolate strawberries, raspberries, crips and popcorn. I put everything on the side and put the popcorn in the microwave. I turned around to see Bobby sat on the floor behind me. I bobbed down to his levle.

'What are you doing in here?' I asked.

'I was trying to read, but everyone was talking and the tv was so loud I couldn't consentrate.' He put his book down. 'I'm gonna give up reading for tonight.'

'Yeah, come and enjoy the movie.' I told him. The microwave dinged, signling the popcorn was done. I got it out and grabbed the rest of the snacks. The movie was just starting. Aaron had taken my spot on the couch. He and Amy were cuddled up. Joey asleep on the sofa. Bobby was sat next to him. Jesse was laid on the blow up bed. I put the snacks with the left over chinese and pizza's we'ed ordered earlier. I sat on the air bed. Jesse pulled me close and we the starting credits came on.

'What are we watching?' I whispered.

'Dunno, Aaron chose it.' Jesse ginned.

The movie ended an hour and half later. It was now one. I said I couldn't sleep before, but now I really can't sleep. Aaron put on a horror movie. It scared the shit out of me. I was so scared that zombies would come after me if I slept. I snuggled up to Jesse.

'You scared?' He asked. The others were asleep so our voices were low.

'Yeah. That movie was scary as shit. I'm scared to go to sleep.' I admitted. He chuckled.

'Come on. I'll keep you safe.' He pulled me close to his chest and I snuggled my face into him. He was so warm. I still didn't sleep. Jesse fell asleep.

'EVERYBODY UP! You have thirty minuets to be ready to go. We get breakfast on the way to the airport.' Christopers voice rang though the intercom. I must have fallen asleep at some point.

'Come on lets get up.' Jesse shook me. I pulled myself up, opening my eyes. I was so tired. We got the lift up to get dressed. I slipped on a pair of jeans, a long sleeve stripy blue top, a white body warmer and a pair of uggs. I was ready in time. We all filed into the cars. There were three cars. I got in, inbetween Jesse and Amy. We all looked dreadful. Bug bags under our eyes.

We set off driving. We stopped at Starbucks to get some breakfast. We got out the car.

'Okay go in get your breakfast, eat and then back in the car. Twenty minuets. Go.' Libby explained.

'What do you want for breakfast?' Jesse asked. He wrapped his arm around me.

'Please can I have ... chicken sausage wrap and a white hot chocolate?' I asked.

'Anything for you princess.' He kissed me on the forehead. It made me smile when he called me princess. 'You go sit down and I'll get breakfast.' I went and sat at a table. I pulled my phone out and played a random app I'd downloaded. My phone buzzed. I had a text. I felt popular when I get texts. I looked at the text. It was from Jesse.

'How can you like white hot chocolate? Your so wierd

Like you Jesse.'

Jesse and me don't through the L word around. We don't love each other. Yet. So instead we say 'I like you.' It might seem wierd but were not like other teen couples that say I love you after five minuets of going out. It makes sense to us. I was deep in thought when Jesse came over with our breakfast.

'Chicken sausage wrap and hot chocolate. And a bacon butti, breakfast pot and a caffé mocha.' He put the food on the table and sat opposite me.

'You excited about Milan?' I asked. Taking a bit of my wrap.

'Nah, not really. We go pretty much every year. Usually in the summer, for mum's fashion shows. Never at Christmas, but this year it'll be differant.' He smiled at me.

'How come?'

'Because your coming.' He looked down at his food. I fet myself blush. 'Did you pack your swimsuit?' He asked.

'Uh? Oh yeah. I can't wait to go swimming.' I beamed. 'What you doing Christmas day?'

'Well, we all have to open presents in my mums hotel room. Have dinner with them at about one and then the rest of the day is ours. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?' He asked.

'I've never had a date on Christmas. I'd love to.' We sat and ate our breakfast. We both got a text from Libby telling us to get in the car. We did as we were told and we to the car. Well, he gave me a piggy back. We clambered in and set off to the airport. I couldn't wait!

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