Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

We pulled up at the hotel. Cartlon Hotel Baglioni. It looked beatiful. We all met in the lobby.

'Okay. All the bags have been taken to your rooms. In room 267 is Eden, Jade, Flora and Amy,' I groaned. I had to share a room with that cow. At least I had Amy with me. I didn't really know Flora. 'In room 268 Tessa, Guy and Christian. Room 300 is Kade, Aaron, Jesse and Ruben. Flynn, Bobby and Joey you are with Cora in room 310 and Teddy is with me in 311. Rules! Boyfriends are allowed in rooms between one and six. I don't want anyone getting pregnant. Keep things pg13. No, U. Take your phone with you at all times incase you get lost. Have fun' She told us. Christopher handed out the keys to everyone. I took the lift to the 2nd floor and went to my room.

I walked into the apartment and saw it has two double beds, a long sofa and a flat screen. In the corner there was a christmas tree.My cases were by the tree. There were four doors leading off. One to a bathroom, one to a kitchen, on to a balcony and the last to a sitting area. It was all very cosy. I flopped down on the bed closest to the balcony. It was so comfy. Amy and Flora came in shortly followed by Jade. I didn't want to stay long. I text Jesse.

'Can we go somewere? I don't want to be stuck with Jade.' He replied almost instantly.

'Wanna hang out in my room?'

'Yeah sure. What number?' I asked.

'300. 3rd floor.' He replied. I changed into a pair of sweats and put my slippers on. I most have looked so odd walking around a five star hotel in my slippers. I skipped to the lift and went upstairs. I skipped along the corridors. I couldn't find the room. I decided to ring Jesse.

'Hey?' He asked.

'Hi. I'm lost.' I giggled.

'Where are you?' He asked. He sounded worried.

'Somewere on the 3rd floor. I cant find your room.' I sounded so pathetic. He sighed and chuckled.

'Okay. Stay were you are I'll come and find you,' I heard a door open on the other end. 'I like you.' He said.

'I like you too. Hurry. I might get dragged into a hotel with a hot, sexy teeage boy.' I teased. Right at that moment someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed and turned around. Jesse was bent over laughing.

'YOUR SO MEAN!' I argued. Not meaing it.

'Come on, my rooms down here.' He took my hand leading me to his room. When I walked in I saw there room was the same as ours. Only it had four single beds. Aaron and Ruben were on the Xbox, Kade was walking around shirtless. Revealing an eight pack. Impressive.

'Why don't we go in the sitting room.' Jesse suggested. I nodded and went in. We sat on the couch.

'Lets play 21 questions.' I suggested.

'You first.'

'If you could go anywhere in the world were would you go?' I asked.

'Astria. I want to go skiing. Name three things that you want to do before you turn 18.'

'Dance in the rain, become a undercover nun and get wasted. Same question to you.'

'Fall in love, get an eight pack like Kade, and go to the Olympics. Why do you want to be an undercover nun?' He asked.

'I want to see what its like to be in a nunnery. I want to see the scandles behind the perfect women. Do you think you'll fall in love?' I asked. He sat thinking for a while.

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