Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

I woke up in Jesse's arms. He was sleeping when I woke up, Libby was in the corner of the room in her chair. She had black tear marks on her face from her mascra. I'd never seen Libby look anything but perfect. I moved out of Jesse's arms and reached over to my side table and grabbed my phone. The screen illuminated making my eyes hurt. I looked at the time six am. I looked at my phone. Its Wednesday so everyone would be up for school. Jesse should be going to school but Libby called school to say he was ill and taking a few days off. I had a few text messages.

From Beth: Hi Ed! Hope you feel better soon and come home so we can hang out. I have a few things I need to tell you face to face. It wouldn't feel right telling you over the phone. Love you loads hun. Byeeee x

From Amy: Hi Eden, I'm so glad your awake. This is going to sound selfish but your so lucky not having to go to school. I HATE WEDNESDAYS! Love you hun. See ya x

From Aaron: Hey lil'sis. Heard about your mum. If you need to talk you can call me if you need me. Get well soon. Love you x

From (unknown number): HOW DARE YOU BE SO RUDE



I was guessing the last one was from my mum. I deleted her messages. I though about Aarons offer. I really want to talk to someone. My drips had been removed last night and I could go home after dinner. I couldn't wait. I got off the bed and wondered to the bathroom where I could talk to Aaron. I had my own bathroom but I didn't want to wake Jesse so I just went to the ward toilets. There weren't many nurses on the ward. There was a blonde nurse, very stero-typical type nurse, sleeping at her chair at the nurses station. There was another nurse next to her. A older lady, early fifties maybe. She was sat tapping away at her computer. I crept along. I went to the disabled because its more private. I put the toilet seat down and sat on it. I dialed Aarons number. It rang three times before he picked up.

'Hey Lil'sis. Whats up?' He asked. Aaron is my big brother I never had. I love him like a brother. He's always there for me and I can talk to him.

Can I talk to you? I mean in person?' I asked.

'Of course. I'll ring Amy and tell her somethings come up so I'll be late to school. Stop off at starbucks get your special order and I'll meet you in the enterance in five.'

'Thank you.' My voice barley a whisper.

'Love you.'

'Love you too A.' I said before hanging up. I washed my face and text Jesse so he wouldn't be worried if he woke up while I was gone.

From Eden: Hiiya Romeo. Aaron is coming up so we can have a talk, I'll be gone a little while. When I come back up I need to talk to you, about this whole my mum thing. Love you loads Eden xx.

I walked down from the ward down to the main enterance of the hospital. I waited in the chairs reading some magazine. I had been sat there a couple moments when I familliar blonde hair boy sat next to me, holding a white hot chocolate. I couldn't help but smile at him.

'One white chocolate hot chocolate.' He said passing it to me.

'Thank you.' I said politely.

'So what do you need to talk to me about?' He asked taking a sip of tea. He looked at me with his head cocked to one side. I warm crooked smile on his face.

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