Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Ten days to go.

Ten short days.

Kill me now.

I woke up during the early hours of the morning. Well, five in the morning and crept along to Jesse's room, and slid under the covers next to him. When my mother went to wake me up and I wasn't there she wasn't so pleased. She came into Jesse's room, screaming and shout - waking everyone up. I heard her when she went into my room so I hid under the bed. Jesse thought I was crazy until my mother came storming in.

'WHERE IS SHE!?' my mum yelled. I saw her come closer to the bed and rip the covers of him. 'I'm going to ask you again. Where is she?' Her voice full of anger and rage.

'Eden? I don't know. Maybe she went to get breakfast or get a shower. WHy would she be in here. We both know your rules.' Jesse retorted. My mother sighed and left the room. I waited a few minutes before climbing back out.

'I best go downstairs, make it look like I'm having breakfast.' I put my hand out for him to come with me, I pulled him up and we both ran downstairs and into the kitchen. I sat myself up on the counter and watched Jesse fumble around in the fridge for something to eat. I only just noticed I pulled him down here and he only has his boxers on.

I took my hoodie off - that actually belongs to Jesse.

'Put this on.' I said handing him the hoodie.

'Why?' He asked. A bagel packet in his mouth and butter, a pack of bacon and orange juice in his arms.

'Because, your only wearing boxers.' I giggled, he put the food down and put his hoodie on. I hopped of the counter and started cooking the bacon. Jesse's so wierd, he burns the bacon do the fat is crunchy. I don't like the fat, its all squishy and ewwie. I end up ripping it off and getting greasy fingers. Whilst I sorted the bacon out, Jesse cooked the bagle's and buttered them. We sat and ate listening to my mothers rampage. Her feet banging on the ceiling, her voice echoing through the corridors. Everyone came down in a big group, they all grabbed a bagel and sat around the table. Non of them spoke.

'Why don't you just follow the rules!? Then we might be able to sleep in on Saturday mornings.' Joey spoke up. I don't really speak to Joey that much. I talk to Bobby sometimes, but usually he's to busy reading. There where muffles of agreement around the table. I didn't know I was that much of a newsance to everybody.

'Yeah. Why don't you go stay at the hotel. Then we wouldn't have your mum watching all of us. Walking around here like she owns this place.' Christian added. I looked over at him,he had dark circles under his eyes and stubble around his face, that is now starting look like a mustache and beard.

'This is our home not yours!' Flynn shouted. Nearly everyone started saying things. Talking over the top of each other.Jesse put his arm around me. I felt the tears well up in my eyes until I heard some one speak.

'Everybody be quiet! We raised you better than this. Yes this is your home but it is also Edens. She is just as much as family as you guys. The poor girl is going home in ten days, and all she waants to do is spend time with you lot. Some more than others.' Libby's voice raored though the room. The moment she spoke everyone went quiet, and looked at her. 'Are you okay baby girl?' She asked looking directly at me. I nodded my head.

'I think you all need to say sorry.' Christopher added. Everyone said sorry, everyone but Joey. He stood up and walked out. I don't know what that kids problem is. I didn't take it to heart or anything.

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