Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

(Jesse's POV)

Beth and Eden have been out all day catching up, whilst me and my brothers have been sorting out the house for our party tonight. Every year the Bolton brothers through a new years eve party. Its always a big succssess. Just before midnight, we all take a girl to the waterfall for a private party. When the clock hits midnight we give them a real kiss. This will be my first year I'll be taking a girl. I usually don't go up, and stay in the house and do the shot's with the guys.

I was incharge of the decorations by the waterfall. I've set candles surrounding the water basin, light in the trees. There's a table full of food and drinks. It doesn't look to good at the moment, but when the moon comes up it will look amazing.

I sat down next to water. Thinking about the time Eden and I went horse riding, and ended up going swimming in our underwear. I remember Edens beautiful body. She looked so beautiful. Wait! I have to stop thinking about her like that. My phone began to buzz. The caller ID was Beth's.

'Hello? Beth?' I answered.

'Hi, Yeah it's me. Eden's getting us some food for us.' She said.

'Okay. How come your calling me?' I asked.

'I was just wondering if you where taking Eden to the private party? If you are what does she need to wear? I'll make sure she doesn't know.' Beth asked so many questions.

'Yeah, I'm planning on bring her to the private party. Just get her a nice dress to wear, something sensible. Get yourself something nice, you can can come up aswell.' I dropped my phone as Beth gave out a long, high pitched shriek. After a minute or two she stopped.

'You finnished yet?' I asked, sarcastically.

'Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you so much. I've always wanted to go to the private party! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH... In a freind way.'

'Okay then. See you later.' I clicked the line dead. My ears began to ring. I took a deep breath, I felt so nervous. What if Eden doesn't like it? What if I made myself look stupid? I need to calm down. Everything will be fine. I closed my eyes, for what seemed a minute, when they open again it was getting dark. I bolted up right. My phone was still in my hands. My eyes scanned the screen. It was nearly half five. I had twelve missed calls, seven from Eden, two from Aaron, once from my mum, once from Beth and two from Kade. I also had loads of text text messages. Mainly from Eden and Aaron. Most of them asking where I was and why wouldn't I pick up.

I stood up, whilst calling Eden's number.

'Hello?' She answered.

'Hi Princess.' I spoke quietly.

'JESSE!? WHY HAVEN'T YOU ANSWERED MY CALL AND TEXTS? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? WHERE ARE YOU NOW,? Are you hurt?' She yelled. I could tell she wasn't angry, a little pissed off, but not angry.

'I'm really sorry, I was out some were and I fell asleep. I'm sorry I worried you. I'm on my way back. I'll be there in about ten minutes.' I told her.

'Where did you go?' She asked. Her voice timid.

'I can't tell you. Everything will be revealed in time.'

'Okay. I love you.'

'I love you too.' I said amd the line at her end clicked dead. I walked quickly to the house. I needed to get ready for the party, I needed to see Eden.

I got to the house in record time. I opened the door and Eden came running towards me. Almost knocking me off my feet. Her arms wrapped around my neck and mine around her waist. She pulled me close. After a few minutes we pulled apart. And then she did the unexpected. She slapped me, around the face. It hurt. Who would have thought her tiny body could have so much power. Her eyes full of tears.

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