Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Six days to go...

'What are you plans for today?' I asked Jesse. He smiled and shrugged.

'What are your plans?' He asked as I sat on the counter top. He stood between my legs. My arms are locked around his neck and his arms are firmly holding my waist. I looked into his eyes, his crystal blue eyes, locked on me. I could see my reflection in his eyes. Its like looking into a still puddle of water. So still there is not a single ripple.

'I think I'm going to Beths to have a girly day and then I'm coming home for family hours. What are you doing?' I asked.

'Probably spend the day at the pool and gym. I'll be home for tea and when you've finished family hours we can do something.' A small smile sat on his lips. I wanted to stay here and spend the day with him, but I can't. As much as I love him I have other freinds to see. Beth is one person I have to see.

'Okay. I love you.' I said kissing him. It made my stomach fill with butterflies and flutter. I feel it evey time we kiss, but I never get used to it. He pulled away. Why would he pull away?

'I love you too. What time are you going to Beths?'

'Soon.' I said looking at the clock, it was nearly twenty past twelve o'clock and I have to be there at half past.

'I drive you there.' He kissed my forehead and moved from between my legs. I slipped of the counter and skipped to the front door, Jesse following behind me. Suprisingly the car wasn't parked outside.

'Can you bring my car out front?... Uummm. Yeah thanks.' Jesse hung up the phone. He smiled at me, pulling me close to him. A few minutes later Mike pulled up with Jesse's car. Jesse being the gentleman he opened the car door for me. He closed te door after me and walked around to his side of the car and got in. Beth's house is about fifteen minutes away, fifteen preciouse moments with Jesse. As he started up the car he gripped my hand tightly. We didn't speak. I was just treasuring the moments being with him, because in six short days I wouldn't be able to hold his hand when I want to. I wouldn't be able just run up to him and give him a hug. I won't be able to see his smile everyday, all day. That scares me. I bit my lip holding back the tears from rolling down my cheek. But no matter how hard I bit my lip the tear still rolled down my cheek. One trator tear.

Before I could quickly wipe it away before Jesse could see. Jesse's hand left mine and up to my face. He wiped the tear from my face, a sad smile sat on his lips. All I want to do is curl up and cry. Cry my self into obliviation. Hoping that I would wake up in my hosital bed and this all be a dream from a coma. But I knew trying to fool myself would be useless because I know its all real. Too real.

I put on the radio but slow, sad songs began to play. So I quickly turned it off. My eyes trailed to my hands. Focasing on them, observing them.

We pulled up at Beth's house. A pretty house, that is identical to all the other houses going up and down the block. I turned to face Jesse and saw him looking in the opposite direction.

'I'll be off then.' I mumbled opening the door. I looked back to Jesse, this time he was looking at me. I leaned in for a kiss but we where inturputted by a very bubbly, loud, very ginger girl. Seh was stood infront of the car waving at me. A huge grin on her face. I let out a little giggle whilst Jesse chuckled and sighed.

'I'll pick you up at four thirthy.' He kissed my nose, making my nose scrunch up. I got out the car and Beth pulled me into a suficating hug. I heard a car go past and head off.

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