Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

'Hi.' Beth greeted me as she walked into my room that had been transformed into a spa. 'Wow the place looks great!' She plopped herself down on my bed and put her overnight bag next to her.

'Amy and Libby have gone to the store to get some snacks. They'll be back in ten minuets.' I told her. I turned on some music. The first song was 'We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together' by Taylor Swift. Beth jumped up on my bed and we both began to sing very loudly and out of tune.

'I remeber when we broke up first time,

Saying this is it 've had enough,

Cause we haven't seen each other in a month,

when you said you need space,

Then you come around again and say,

Baby I miss you and I swear I'm gunna chan-'

Then, there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see most of the boys standing outside my door. Ruben, Aaron, Joey, Bobby, Teddy, Jesse and Christian.

'Hey?' I asked

'Could you keep it down.' Christian said.

'Some of us have to do some kick ass on minecraft.' Joey complianed

'And read a book.' Bobby was so quiet

'And sleeeeep!' Teddy called rubbing his eyes.

'Sorry I'll keep it down.' Most of them walked away. Leaving me, Jesse, Aaron and Ruben. 'Can I help?' I asked

'Can I have my girlfriend back?' Aaron whined.

'Can you try and sing in tune?' Jesse chuckled.

'Can I join you and your friends?' Ruben wiggled his eyebrows.

'No, yes, no. There does that help?' The three of them left as Libby and Amy returned.

Libby and Cora did our hair, face-masks, pedicures, manicures, everything to make us feel like we were a a spa. They left as the movie began at ten.

'So Eden,' Amy and Beth turned to me. 'Are you and Jesse together yet?' Beth asked.

'What? No.' I reply. Amy sighed and passed Beth a five dollar bill. 'Lets play truth or dare.' Amy and Beth came closer.

'Okay me first. Eden truth or dare?' Amy asked.


'Do you like Jesse?' She asked her eyes wide.


'No you chose truth, do you like Jesse?' Amy pushed. I nodded my head and they let out a girly giggle.

'Okay my turn. Eden, truth or dare?' Beth asked.

'Ummm ... dare?'

'I dare you too ... hang your bra on Jesse's door. Knock, and then run.' Beth laughed madly. It was an evil laugh that frightened me slightly. I took a deep breath and went to my closet and pulled out a bright pink bra.

'Pass it here first.' Amy called. I threw it over and she did something. She passed it back. We walked over to the door. I crept down the hall, there heads poking around the door way. I slipped the bra on his door knob. I heard the tv blaring and someone talking. I guessed he was wake. I knocked quietly and then ran to my room. Us all in a fit of giggles.

'My turn. Amy truth or dare.' I grinned at her.

'Truth.' She flipped her hair over her shoulder.

'Apart from Aaron, who is the best looking Bolton?'

'Ummmm .... Guy.' I haven't met Guy yet. He's coming home from uni soon.

We sat and played truth or dare for hours. Both of them mainly asking me stuff. Everyone fell asleep around one. I stayed up and watched a movie. My phone buzzed. It was a text message from Jesse. I unlocked it and read the message.

'You still up?'

'Yeah why?' I replied.

'Come to my room.' He texted back. I stood up and quietly worked my way around Amy and Beth who were fast asleep on the floor. I walked down to Jesse's room. I walked in to find Jesse on his bed watching some tv show. He was shirtless and in his boxers.

'Hey.' I said sheepishly.

'I have something of yours.' He stood up and passed me my bra. I blushed as he passed me it. 'Thanks for the message.'

'What message?' He took the bra and showed me the inside of the left cup. In marker pen there was a message.

'I hope you like you sneaky peak at your christmas present. Love Eden.'

'Oh, Jesse wasn't me it wa-' I stuttered out.

'Amy? Yeah I know.' He chuckled. He came closer and kissed me on the cheek.

'What are you doing tomorrow evening?' He asked.

'Nothing, why?' I wondered.

'How would you like to triple date?' He asked. My face lit up.

'Yeah. Night Jesse.'

'Night Eden.' I reached up onto my tippytoes and kissed him on the lips. Then skipping out of the room and down the hall. I went into my room and fell asleep instantly.

That afternoon Amy, Libby, Beth and I webt out shopping, getting me and Amy a dress for our date. At the moment we're in the mall. We're looking around River island. Amy's already got her dress. There where hundreds of christmas displays everywhere. I can't believe Christmas is in twenty five days! I'm so excited.

I searched the railing. Looking for a nice dress that's not too long, but not too short. I don't want anyone to think I'm a slut. We've been in the mall an hour and we've been in ten shops easily, and I still don't have a dress! As the thought pops in my head, I find the most beautiful dress. Its blue and black. The dress is black with blue beads on the bust. Theres a blue sash around the waist. The bottom is puffed out and ends an inche above my knees. On the skirt of the dress there was a big floral style pattern. It is beautiful. Even better. It looked amazing on me. Not to brag.

I walked out of the dressing room with it in my arm. I glanced at the price tag. $200!

'I can't get it. Its like $200!' I looked down at the dress. She took it out my arms and walked to the till. The cashier swiped the dress and Libby pulled out her American Express card.

'There you go baby girl. You may go on your date!' She shouted handing me the bag. I pulled Libby into a hug and whispered thank you in her ear. 

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