Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I don't know how long I've been asleep and where I am. And honestly I don't care. I'm guessing I'm in a hospital. I can't feel much because every now and then I get a cold thing flow through me and the pain goes away. I can't move ... yet. But I'm slowly getting my hearing back. There are people mumbling and theres a tv on. I can't hear clearly, like I said. I can feel people putting there hand my hand and shoulder. But they quickly remove it. But theres one person who hasn't let go of my hand since I got hit by the car. I can imagaine the room around me.

Nurses running in and out, saying that only a few people at a time, but nobaby listening. I don't know what there all doing but I know one thing. Jesse won't let go of my hand. He keeps arguing with Libby and Christopher. I don't know what they argue about. I wish I could hear. I want to know what is going on around me.

Speaking of Jesse. Ever since the accident he hasn't left me. I'm supposed to be mad at him but I can't be. This boy has stayed with me, although I gave him all that crap and slapped him. I felt really guilty for what I did. But that still didn't mean that I was pissed off for kissing this other girl.

I felt the pain coming back again. I wanted to let people know that it hurts. I want to shout

'GIVE ME THE MAGIC CRAP THAT STOPS THE PAIN! but I can't. I'm still, motionless. Lifeless.

After a little while the cold liquid flowed through my body. I felt the pain die down and make me drift off into another place. Full of happiness and relaxation.

I 'wake' up. My eyes still don't open and my body won't move. My lips wont produce words. Its horriable. I can't communicate with the world. I can't imagaine people's live that are:



or have locked in syndrom. Then I hear it. I can hear the spongebob theme tune playing. It loud and clear.

'Are you ready kids "Aye Aye Captain"
I Can't hear you "AYE AYE CAPTAIN"
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea 
"Spongebob squarepants"
Absorbant and yellow and porous is he 
"Spongebob Squarepants"
If nautical nonsense be something you wish 
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish 
"Spongebob Squarepants"
Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants

SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! AH AHH AHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHH...' It might be the most annoying thing in the world but those words to me where bliss. I can hear. I can hear machines beeping, people walking around. And most of all I can hear them talk.

In my head I was screaming and running around the room, partying. I tuned out from all the other noises and focused on the people.

'What's here condition?' Libby asked.

'There’s been no change in her health progression. But she is showing signs of needing less medication to numb her pain.' I didn't recognise the voice. It was a male voice, low and gruff. He sounded tired and almost bored.

'When will she wake up?' Jesse asked. I loved the sound of his voice. I could cry, if I could cry. I wonder if I could. I wasn't going to cry. It would only freak Jesse out.

'There's no sign of her waking from the coma.' His voice was soft. A COMA! Why did my ears have to work and hear that. I'm not in a coma. I can't be. Jesse gave out a growl. I wanted to give him a hug. I wanted to tell him I was fine, that everything was going to be fine.

'Jesse I suggest you go to the café. Calm down and get some food. Then go home get some sleep.' Christopher was firm.

'I'm not leaving her. What happens if she wakes up while I'm gone?'

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