chapter 28

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Chapter 28

When I woke up it was ten. I didn't stay for breakfast. I just slipped out and got the train home. As Jesse promised there was a plate full of bacon, eggs, sausage, beans and tomatoes waiting for me. I loved that he kept his promise. I wolfed it down before running upstairs for a shower and to get changed. I didn't want to do anything. Just sleep. Jesse was already in my bed. Since we came back from milan we've slept in the same bed. Since he was sleeping I didn't mind wondering around in my underwear. I slipped my sweat pants on and crawled under to covers next to him. He instantly put his arms around me and pulled me close. I could feel the heat of his body roll off me and hit me. Giving me warmth. I looked down at hi lips, there where so full, and frankly kissable. His eyes where shut, I assumed he was sleeping.

'34C.' He whispered in my ear. I turned and looked at him in shock. 'Sorry I couldn't help but peep and guess. Did I get it right?' He asked. His eyes where still closed and he was sleepy. I giggled. When I calmed down I looked up at him and spoke.

'Suprisingly yeah, you did. And excuse me when did you peak?' I asked. I was a little worried. What if he saw me naked? And if he did, did he liked what he saw? Was my body good enough for him? What if I wasn't?

'Don't worry you had underwear on. Yeah, of course I liked what I saw. And don't you ever question wether your good enough. Your more that good enough. Sorry, I couldn't help it.' He looked at me, his eyes staring straight into my eyes. How did he know?

'How did you know that was what I was thinking?' I asked.

'You have a tendancey to think out loud. Its kind of cute.' He said kissing my nose. I hit his bare chest but it didn't hurt him. He just turned over and brought me with him. My legs where over his chest. His arms where wrapped around my back. I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed my thumb over his skin. I laid there for a few minutes.

'I'm bored.' We both whined at the same time. 'What do you want to do? No your first.' We where both in sync. We both laughed and

'Okay me first. I want to go for a drive. Just spend some time with you.' I said.

'Can you drive?' He asked.

'No, my mums old boyfriend used to let me drive his car in our car park at night.' I told him. Jesse pulled on my arms and got me out of bed. He put on his jeans and a hoddie and threw me another. He didn't speak just hoisted me onto his back.

'Where are we going?' I asked. He still didn't answer. We stopped outside a door, I didn't know where it lead to. He opened the door revealing three rows of cars, quads and bikes. My eyes popped out when I saw all the differant cars. All differant colour, model and sizes.

'Are these your familys cars?' I asked.

'Yeah. Every son has there there own car. Even Teddy. But some have two.' He let my off his back and let me stand on my feet.

'So what are we doing here? Bragging about the amount of money you have?' I asked. Again sacracasm dripping off ever word. I ran my fingers over a deep green Jeep. I don't know what model it is. But it had a long, truck-like back with no roof on the back. I loved these kind of cars. There fun looking.

'You want to ride in it?' He asked. I wide smile escaped and ran across my face. 'Infact do you want to drive it?' My eyes grew wide. I began jumping up and down and shouting yes. Jesse bent over laughing at me. He went to the wall next to the door. It was covered in keys. It took him a few minutes to find the key. When he found it he threw it over to me.

I opened it and climbed in the passengers side.

'Why aren't you in the drivers side? All you have to do is drive out the back theres a tarmaced road we can practice on.' He pulled me ver to the drivers side and slipped from under my butt to the passengers side.

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