Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

(Jesse's point of view)

'Come in.' She called from the other side of the door. I opened the door, I hesitated a little before going in. As I walked in she jumped up onto the counter and looked over at me. Her beautiful smile sat in her lips. She's just so beautiful, I can't believe in a matter of hours I will lose her. It killed me to think of not having her, but soon that will be the sad reality of life. And no matter how hard I try I can't change it.

I stopped infront of her, I stood inbetween her legs. Her arms around my neck. Whilst mine sat on her tiny waist. I looked at her face. All the eyeliner gone, leaving black smudges on her face. Only one thing left on her face. On her cheek. 'Always mine.' I smiled at that she she left that on her face was the message that I wrote on her face.

She leaned in and I did the same. Our lips brushed against each other when the door opened. They cleared the voice and Eden let out a long sigh of hustration. She leaned back out of the kiss. Which, honestly, disappointed me.

'Say goodnight Eden. You need to go to bed.' Her mothers unforgetiable voice rung through the room. It was my turn to sigh in fusration. I looked to Eden, a sad smile on her face. A glassy layer over them. The tears forning in her eyes.

She kissed my cheek, the sad smile still on her face. I moved out of her way so that she could jump down.

'Good night.' She said as she walked to the door. Her hips swaying as she walked.

'Good night princess.' I replied. I sighed as I watched her disappear out the door. When Eden left my view my eyes dropped to her floor. Her mum cleared her voice again. My head shot up to look at her.

A devilish smile sat on her sausage lips. Her eyebrows raised, but I'm not sure if they where drawn on that way. Her thin boney hands rested on her waist, her chest pushed out and her gut sucked in.

'Can I help?' I asked. I was polite but a hit of rudeness in my voice.

'This time tomorrow I will be away from you people. And you'll be lucky if you get to see 'your preciouse little princess'' Fake sweetness filling her voice as she used my nickname for Eden. I pained me as she said that. My heart strings pulling. She was doing it on purpose. All because I asked for Eden to stay.

All I want, is for one night - I was hoping for sometime before tonight - to have Eden for one night. But her mum made it impossiable to do that. I resented her because of that. I'm trying to do that, for Eden. Incase there is ever a day in the future I need to ask for permission to ask Eden to marry me. Hopefull I will get to one day.

I know Eden and I mad a deal to break up. No. Go our seperate ways when she steps on the plane. But I will have my princess back one day. No matter what it costs.

'Eden doesn't want you. So you should just leave her alone. Theres no need for you to bother us again when we're in England. Away from your kind. Infact theres no need for you to even come to the airport.' She chuckled, her voice a little too deep. Making her sound manly as she chuckled.

'What do you mean by my sort?' I asked. I resented her comment.

'The one that steals my daughters innocence and then runs to the next girl. Breaking there heart.' Her voice full of hate. Her eyes going from ovals to small slips, peicing my skull. Making me feel incrediably uncoftable.

'I wouldn't do that. I love Eden, more that I thought I could love anybody. I will try my hardest to never break her heart again.' I say again because of the innocedent at the party. That lead to Eden being hit by a car. My hands balled into fists at my sides, just remembering what my stupidity caused. I hate myself because of it.

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