Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

'Eden? Eden!' I voice called I woke up. I was startled and bolted up right. Libby was sat on my bed with a plate of pancakes. They smelled so nice. She passed me the plate.

'Did you sleep alright?' She asked in a small voice. 'mm' I said, swallowing my pancakes. Libby looked worried. She took a deep breath. She opened her mouth but was inturputed. There was lots of shouting and door slamming.

'The boys are in an argument.' She looked to her hands.

'What are they arguing about?' I asked. She shrugged, stood up and went out. I knew she was hiding something. I ate my pancakes and took a long hot shower and got dressed. There was more shouting. I took my plate downstairs. It took me a little while. I reached the kitchen. Jesse was stood by the fridge, Aaron was stood close by, Kade at the door along with Flynn. Teddy was sat on the counter in the middle. There was an akward silence.

'Morning.' I said. I made my way to the fridge to get a drink. 'Whats going on?' I asked a little confused.

'There being total ass holes.' Flynn said.

'How the hell are we?' Aaron called back.

'You need to respect the rules!' Kade growled.

'You cant just decide for people!' Jesse spat back. I was stil confused.

'Okay then...' I sat next to Teddy on the counter. 'What's it all about?' I whispered to Teddy. He looked at me. His eyes big.

'Jesse and Kade fighting! They LOUD!' He shouted. Everybody looked at him. He jumped off the counter and ran out.

'Jesse, I was wondering if we could have a rematch at Mario Kart?' I asked. He didn't reply. Just stormed out of the kitchen. Followed by Aaron. 'Okay then.' I took a sip of my milk. I looked over to Kade. He smiled at me and walked his way over to me. Flynn disappeared.

'What's up with Jesse?' I asked. He shrugged. He lifted his hand to my face. I pulled away.

'You have a milk mustach,' He chuckled. 'Come here.' He wiped his thumb over the top of my lip. I smiled.

'Thanks. So what are you and Jesse arguing about?' I asked. He sighed and looked away from me.

'Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.' He walked towards the door.

'You think I'm pretty?' I asked a little confused. He looked at me and winked, before turning back around and out the door. I felt myself blush a little. I hopped off the counter.

'Eden, You ready to go shopping? Meet me in the front hall in five minuets minuets.' Libby's voice echoed through the intercom. I found my way to the front hall. Libby was ready. A huge grin on her face.

'Come on darling. Lets go shopping.' She linked arms with me and walked out the door. The was a teal cleo.

I spent hours shopping with Libby. She took me to all the designer shops. Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Channel, Calvin Klien, Donna Karen and so many more. We stopped off at a café for dinner. I little frech café called bon-bon.

'So, Eden, do you do any sports?' She asked, taking a bite of quiche.

'Yeah, I do ballet and gymnastics.' I sipped at my coffee. Libby's face lit up.

'WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!' She yelled but it was a happy, excited yell. I just shrugged. 'Okay, when we've finnished here we are going to get you some sports gear.'

We finnished our food and went to the sports shop. She easily spent two hundred pounds. She bought me a ballet leatard, a gym leatard, sports bras, shorts, jogging bottom and some t-shirts for me to wear when I do my practises in.

'Does North Valley have a gym and ballet class?' I asked. She looked at me and smiled.

After being shopping six hours we came home. Libby had spoiled me rotten. The clothes only just fit on my railings. I couldn't thank Libby enough. As well as buying me clothes she also bought me an IPhone!

'Libby you didn't have to buy me all this stuff. I'll pay you back.' I told Libby as she packed my clothes away. She stood up and gave me a stern look.

'Don't worry darling. After having boys for the past thrity years you miss girls. And I really enjoyed spoiling you today. And don't thank me again.' She smiled at me. She finnished putting my clothes away and left to make dinner.

'Hello?' A voice called from behind. I spun around to see Kade. He was leaning against the door frame. His arms crossed over his chest.

'Hey.' My voice was quiet, almost a whisper. 'Sorry about yesterday ... the whole me and Jesse thing...' I spoke a little louder, more cofindently. Kade's smile faded a little.

'It's okay, don't worry about it.' It sounded a bit fake. 'Forget it, looks like it meant nothing anyway.' He sniggered, he could tell I was upset by Jesse ignoring me.

'Yeah, I guess.' I sighed. I didn't understand why Jesse was ignoring me. Yesterday he was so nice and now. Now he's acting like I don't exsist. He made me feel like he used me. But I guess what happened was just heat of the moment...

The next few moments where filled with an akward silence.

'Sorry, I didn-' I cut him off before he could finish.

'It doesn't matter.'

'Who is a vampire mostly likely to fall in love with? The girl necks door.' That was the crappest joke ever. But I couldn't help but laugh.

'So why are you here? I'm guessing your not here to tell crap jokes and talk about Jesse.' I asked.

'To see if you where okay, babe.' He smiled and winked at me. I giggled and nodded my head. He walked out. I stood there a few moments thinking. Kade just called me babe. 'Babe', really?

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