Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

'Have fun at ballet. I'm gunna be in the gym downstairs, I'll grab us a Starbucks before you finnish.' Jesse said, he gave a soft, quick peck on my lips before heading to the gym. As he walked away I couldn't keep my eyes off of his ass. I don't know what it was, but since I tried to have sex with him on New years, we've been all over each other. I thanked him for not having sex with me, because I'm not ready yet. But I will be soon. And the little speach he gave me, it made fall in deeper in love with him. I can't imagine life without him. I want to be with him, forever and always.

It had been three days since I was off school, due to passing out. Its not Friday and I can't wait for the week end.

I walked towards the dance studio and opened the door. I felt two eyes on the back of me. Staring where they shouldn't. I turned around. I was right. It was the kid I danced with in my try out. Tobias? I think that was his name. I looked over at him. And I must admit he was good looking. But compared to Jesse he was nothing. He began walking towards me, his eyes not focased on my face, but my chest.

'Hey, good looking. Whats your name?' He asked. His voice was low, he sounded like a thug from the old movies. His eyes never moved from my chest. I felt invaded and there should be only one person to look at me like that. Not this sad git.

'Excuse me. These,' I grabbed my boobs in my hands. 'Are not my eye eyes,' I let go of them and gestured to my eyes. 'These are. So do you mind looking at my face.' I hissed. He let out a chuckle and looked at my face.

'A fiesty one. Whats your name baby.' He was irritating me.

'Eden. I danced with you in try out. Now if you don't mind I have to get changed.' I turned around but he grabbed my wrist. 'Get off me!'

'Come on baby, you know you want me. I know where theres a closet, we could have a little fun.' He was getting a little close for my likings. I let him get a little closer to me. His chest was almost touching mine.

'I would love to,' I rased my knee so that it connected with his balls. 'But I have better standards.' I hissed. He let go of my wrist and bent over. I heard giggling from behind me. I turned around, the changing room door was open and there was too groups of girls. Ones that where giggling and cheer the other looking at me as if I'd grown another head.

I walked in and started to get changed.

'Do you know who that is?' A tall blonde hair girl asked. Her face caked in make up.

'Yeah, some dude with no manners and doesn't know how to treat girls. If he's not care he presiouse balls wont be functioning much longer.' I said. The room burst into laughter. All but this girl did.

'What are you lesbian? Wny would you reject him?' She sighed as she said 'him'.

'No I'm not lesbian. I'm just loyal to my boyfriend.' I grabbed my bag and took out my phone. I smiled, looking at the background on my phone. It was me and Jesse, of course I was on his back. We where both laughing like mad. The tall blonde came and took my phone right out of my hand.

'So that is your boyfriend?' She asked. I nodded adn smiled. I tried to grab my phone back but she was a lot taller than me so I had to jump. She let go of my phone but I caught it just before it hit the floor.

'Come on girls its time to start.' Madam Grovem called us to come into the studio. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Tobias. He was sat on the chairs, a bag of frozen peas on his balls. Madam Grovem shot me a look to tell me to be quiet. But I could see she had a smile playing at the corners on her mouth.

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