Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Urg! Its Monday already. I hate mondays. I have a really boring timetable at school. And I hardly see Jesse or Beth in lessons. Last night I stayed in Jesse's room. I woke up in the middle of the night with another nightmare. I was even more freaked out when Jesse wasn't there, so I crept down the hall to his room and slipped under the covers and fell back asleep. I always feel better with Jesse around.

I crawled out of bed and down the hall to my room. I can't be arsed getting a shower so I tie my hair up in a pony-tail. Pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I put Jesse's hoodie over the top. I could smell his colone. I loved it. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

'Jesse do you have swim practise tonight?' I asked.

'Yeah. Why?' He answered my question with a question.

'I wanna come.'

'You sure you wanna come? You might end up in the pool again.' He said wiggling his eyebrows.

'Eden? Why did you go in the pool with Esse?' Teddy asked, sounding so cute. He was sat on the counter. I went and picked him up, balancing him on my hip.

'Because Jesse is mean and pulled me in.' I said. I could see Jesse laugh from the corner of my eye. Teddies eyes grew bigger as I told him. A little scowl formed across my face, making him look so cute. He looked at Jesse who immidiatly stopped laughing.

'You where mean to my Eden. Say Sowr.' I giggled when he said sorry. I loved Teddy so much, and I loved he called me his Eden. Jesse fake pouted and looked at me.

'I'm very sorry Eden, for pulling you in the pool.' He appologised and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

'Ewwie!' He yelled.

'You just scarred your little brother for life.' I whispered and giggled. I put Teddy down and he ran out to find Libby.

'Come on we need to set off to school.'

'I'll buy breakfast this morning.' I got on my tippy-toes and kissed his cheek. And me being me I fell onto him. We both ended up laughing. 'I'm such a klutz.'

'Tell me about it.' I hit his chest, but he didn't feel it. He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to his car, that was parked out side. As we do pretty much everyday we pulled up at Starbucks. Every day we get the same thing. I get a white hot chocolate and a chicken saugage wrap. Whilst Jesse gets a Caffé moche and a bacon butty. Jesse and I take it in turns to pay for the stuff. But usually he pays because he's the guy. He has so much pride its untrue.

We pulled up at school and we both walk to my locker. We get here a little earlier than our friends, so that we can get our stuff and drink and eat in peice. I got my stuff out of my locker. Jesse was sat on the floor, eating his sandwich. To say he's nearly seventeen he gets food everywhere. He had tomatoe sauce on his cheek. I sat down next to him.

'You know you have sauce on your cheek.' I smiled. He wiped his cheek but completely missed it.

'Got it?' He asked.

'Nope. I'll get it.' Instead of being a normal person and wiping it of with my finger I licked it off.

'Did you really just lick me?' He asked. I giggled and nodded.

'What you gunna do about it?' I asked. He just shook his head and we both sat and ate our breakfast and drank our drinks.

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