Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

We spent the next hour sat talking. I sat cross legged, Jesse's head resting on my lap whilst I stroked his dirty blonde hair. His big blue eyes looking through his lashes. A sad smile always sitting on his lips, reminding me this is my last chance to be with him. With every minute that passes my heart races even more and my head became more light-headed.

Amy and Beth came up shortly after Libby and the other boys left. Kade sat with his arms around Beth, whilst Aaron and Amy sat next to each other holding hands.

'Do you know where about in England your living?' Beth asked. I shook my head in reply.

'Nope, I think its somewhere near London. But I could be completely wrong.' Jesse's hand found mine. Our hands hugged each other, as if they were never going to let go. My eyes drifted to the water basin, so the tears in my eyes would look like the reflection of the water. But there was no fooling Jesse. He bolted up right and pulled me into a hug. I sniffed and blinked back the tears. Jesse pulled me out to arms length and looked in my eyes.

'I love you.' He whispered. I nodded and gave him a weak smile.

'I love you two.' I whispered as his head rested on my lap again.

I looked over at Amy and Beth, tears in there eyes too.

'That was so sweet!' They said in chorus. There so a like its unreal. Its weird to think that six months ago they didn't know each other, and now... now there, practically, joined at the hip. I like to think it was me that brought them together. They started chatting away to each other, I'm not sure what about. There voices high pitched and both speaking really quickly. It couldn't catch a word of what they were saying.

Jesse's eyes closed and his breathing slowed down. Aaron and Kade sat in front of me, side by side.

'So, how was last night?' Kade asked wiggling his eyebrows.

'What did you do?' Aaron asked.

'Was it magical?' Beth asked, her head popping up behind Aaron.

'Spill.' Amy's eyes grew larger and a twinkle in them too.

'What? I'm not saying anything.' I stated. I wanted to tell Amy and Beth because last night was magical. But I'm not saying anything in front of Tweedledum and Tweedledum. Don't get me wrong I love Aaron like a brother. And not many people would talk to there brother about having sex. And Kade, well, he's Kade. And I really don't want to talk about it to him.

'Come on we all know you had sex.' Kade stated, leaning in closer.

'Kade!' Beth pushed him, making him land on his side.

'How would you know we had sex. If we did... I mean.' I tripped up on my words. I accidentally let everyone know. Great, well done Eden.

'If I had sex-' I started.

'Which you did.' Kade butted in.

'I wouldn't tell Tweedledum and Tweedledee here.' They all laughed until Aaron and Kade caught up.

'HEY!' They chorused. I felt a pair of eyes on me, a pair of beautiful blue eyes. I looked down at Jesse, who I thought was sleeping. His blue eyes fixed on my face and my eyes fixed on him. 'Sorry' he mouthed to me. Why was he sorry? My eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

'Guys, its twelve. We have to go, Libby will kill us if we're not back.' Amy said looking at her phone. Time has gone so fast. Time must hate me, a lot. Jesse sat up, my lap becoming cold from not having his head resting on me. With a deep sigh I pulled myself to my feet. I looked down at Jesse, a sad yet surprised look on his face. I put my hand out to help pull him up, which he took a firm grip hold of. But he didn't use it to help himself up. He pulled me down so that I was curled up on his knee. His arm wrapped around the back of me and his other still holding my hand that was resting on my stomach.

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