Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Four days to go.

I woke up crying.

'I don't want to go!' I sobbed. My door swung open and two arms wrapped around me. I don't know whos. But they where soft and muscled.

'Ssshh Eddie. What's up?' His voice soothing me. I recoginsed the voice instatnly. My big brother. Aaron. I felt my tears make his shirt damp. My body shivered in fear and I felt light headed. I wished with everything in my me that I'd wake up in the hospital. And to see Jesse's bright face and kiss me. Tell me everythings fine. I closed my eyes, sqeezing them shut. When I opened again, I was still in Aaron's arms – sobbing like a baby.

'Whats up Eddie?' Aaron asked as he pulled me to arms length. I couldn't see him through the tears, he was blurry.

'I do-don't want to go.' I wailed. I felt so pathetic and stupid. I wiped my tears away and looked at him. A sad smile sat on his lips. 'I'm gunna miss you. Your like a big brother. I love you.' I said pulling into a hug. I squeezed tight not wanting to let go.

'Aww. I'm going to miss you too. But you've still got a couple days so save the soppy stuff for then. Come on, get a shower. You smell a little.' He chuckled. I hit his chest with my little fists, he didn't even flinch. I got up and grabbed a towel and headed into my bathroom. When I turned the shower on I heard my door click shut. Aaron had left. I had a hot shower, the heat of the water made my skin prickle. It was so hot it made me a little lightheaded. I don't know how long I'd been in there. Someone knocked on my bathroom door. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I went to the door, I poked my head around door. Hiding my body. I opened the door enough just to poke my head around. Mum stood infront of the door.

'Your father has decided to take me to Miami for the day. So family time is cancelled for tonight. But if I find Jesse in your room when I come back. You won't see each other until your setting off for the airport. Got it?' My mothers voice stern and serious. I nodded and she disappeared.

I need to thank Austin. He's giving me more time with Jesse. I single tear rolled down my cheek. I got dressed quickly to see if I can catch Austin. I ran downstairs, Mum was heading out the door followed by Austin. I ran to him and found myself hugging him again.

'Thank you' I whispered. He said nothing, he didn't even hug me back. But I don't care. Maybe he isn't a monster after all. I pulled back from his hug, I looked at Austins face. An unreadiable expression on his face. I turned around to see Jesse stood in the doorway. Looking just as confused as Austin. I skipped over to him and kissed his cheek.

'I love you,' my voice had a happy tune to it.

'I love you too. Whats got you in a good mood? I heard you cry this morning and now your... overly happy.' He said. I looked up at his big blue eyes, his eyes like the basin of the waterfall. I could imagine the ripples in the water, making my reflection look like an abstract peice of art.

'Mum and Austin are off to Miami for the day. So there will be no eyes watching me all day.' I beamed. A sad smile rested on his lips. Was he not happy? I searched his face for answers 'Whats wrong?' I asked. My voice had lost its musical tune.

'I have a swim practice. And a compotition tonight.' He sighed a wry look on his face.

'Well I guess you've got a companion to join you ate the pool.' I smiled at him. He let out a chuckle.

'You want to risk another inncodent like last time?' He asked, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. I took a moment to remind myself what happened last time. It isn't hard to forget though. It brought a smile to my face thinking about it. I remeber hitting the water. The shock of it making me cling onto Jesse. I also remember racing him and winning. Although I still think he let me win. Lets face it. Me, a tiny girl against a competotive swimmer.

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