Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I played the day though my head over and over again. It was perfect. I loved it, every moment. I had had a wonderful morning as well. The six of us, Amy, Aaron, Flora, Ruben, Jesse and I, Had breakfast in the café. Well, dinner. We didn't get up until eleven. It took us an hour to get dressed. Its so hard, four girls sharing one bathroom. We all got ten minuets and Jade got half an hour. Jade doesn't know I know about her and Christian.

'So what are we doing today?' Jesse asked.

'Can we hang around with you family?' I asked.

'Really?' He asked. I giggled and nodded. 'Fine.' He sighed.

'Lets go to your mums room and look after Teddy. I haven't seen monkey in a while. Please?' I asked. He chuckled and nodded. I took his hand and pulled him to the elevator. I pressed the floor 15th floor button.

Jesse kissed me and I kissed back. Then I pulled back, teasing him. I walked backwards, my back against the wall. He chuckled and walked towards me. He put his hands against the walls, trapping me in his arms.

'Your such a tease,' He kissed my nose. 'And you know you are.'

'Me a tease?' I said sarcastically. The doors opened and I bobbed under his arms and headed towards Libby's and Christopher’s room.

'EDEN!' I voice yelled as I walked in. Teddy ran up to me and locking his arms around my legs.

'Hey monkey.' I greeted him. I leaned down and picked him up, resting him on my left hip. I walked over to the coach and threw him on. He shrieked in laughter.

'Teddy what’s up? Oh, you two. What are you two doing here? I thought you'd be out enjoy some time together.' Libby greeted us.

'I wanted to come and see monkey. And you did so much for us yesterday, its a small thank you. We are going to look after Teddy for a while. Give you and Christopher some free time.' I told her. A warm smile spread across her face.

'Thank you, Eden. Jesse you have defiantly got yourself a keeper there.' She giggled. It made me blush, Jesse pulled me to his side and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

'Thank you. I'm off to the spa. I'll be back in a few hours.' She thanked us. She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and kissed Jesse's cheek. Then she left for the spa.

Jesse sat down next to Teddy, both of them watching sponge bob. I laid down next to Jesse, resting my head on his lap. He laced his fingers though my hair. I felt my eyes close and I slowly began drifting asleep.

'EDEN!' Teddy called. I opened my eyes to see him jumping on the couch next to me. Jesse's fingers sill in my hair.

'Ummm...' I moaned, still half asleep. 'What time is it?' I asked.

'Around one.' Jesse replied his voice low. I grabbed Teddy and pulled him into me. Cuddling him.

'What's up monkey?' I asked.

'I'm hungry.' He whined. I got off the couch and made him some food.

Today is the 28th and we're going home. I was happy go home but sad to be leaving Milan. Its six o'clock and we're at the airport at the moment. We've been here since three, our plan is delayed. Christopher's company plane was being used in America. We are all sat on the benches outside the terminal gate. Jesse and I are sat next to each other. Well, I'm practically sat on his lap. My head rested on his shoulder and my legs over his lap. His cheek is resting on my head and his arms are wrapped around my waist, supporting me. I think he's sleeping, he stayed up all night because of what happened yesterday. I can hear his heart beat, its slow. I looked over at Amy and Aaron. There both sleeping. I can feel Jades eyes on me. She keeps glaring at me, our fight yesterday. She knows that I know about her and Christian.

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