Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

'Dinners ready.' Libby called on the intercom. I tried to find my way to the dinning room. I ended getting lost. I wasn't watching were I was going. I bumped into someone and landed on my ass. It hurt a little. I looked up to see a hand streched out. I grabbed it and I was brought face to face with Jesse. He had a smile on his face.

'Sorry.' I muttered. Looking down at the floor.

'It's okay, it was my fault. I wasn't watching what I was doing.' He tilted his head to the side. 'You lost?' He asked. I blushed and nodded a little. 'Come on.' He grabbed my wrist and began running. I couldn't help but giggle a little. He pulled me to the dinning room. We stumbled in. Both giggling. When we stood laughing we looked up to see everyone looking at us. Christopher giving us a stern look. I quickly walked to my seat, inbetween Jesse and Kade. There was a plate of meat and vegtables infront of me. I looked over at Kade. He was trying to discreetly text someone. I heard multiple ringtones go off. Everyone pulled out there phones. Christopher gave cleared his throat and everyone quickly put there phones away. Unlike breakfast, everyone at the table was silent. It seemed odd, almost un-natural.

Christopher stood up after everyone was finished and walked out. Everyone began talking.

'Eden, when we've finnished I'll help you set up your room. Is that okay?' Libby asked. I smiled at her. 'Does anybody want to help us?' She looked around the table.

'TEDDY!' Teddy called. I couldn't help but giggle at him, he was so cute.

'We'll help, wont we Jesse.' Ruben smiled at his brother. I looked at Jesse, he smiled

'Yeah, we'll help.'

'Thank you boys. Kade will you help me bring Eden's cases and things upstairs?' She asked. Libby and Kade stood up and they walked out. Everyone else went out too. I walked out, not knowing which way to go. I looked around in a 360. All of the boys had gone. I began to walk around. After about fifteen minuets I found my way to my room. Pretty much everyone was in my room. Aaron, Jesse and Christian where building a desk and a bedside table up. Flynn was making the bed. Putting duvets and pilliow cases on. Kade and Ruben where putting the blinds up. The twins where no-were to be seen. Teddy was playing with my teddy and in a pair of my shoes. Libby was putting my clothes in a walk in wardrobe. I walked in not knowing where to stand. Everyone was so busy. I went into the wardrobe. Libby was sorting my clothes out. On each side wall there were two railings. One high up and one level with my waist. Above the highest railing there was a shelf that would have my shoes on. On the far wall there was a chest of draws.

'Darling, I'll take you shopping tomorrow and we can fill these railings with clothes. And we'll get you some new underwear. You have holes in these ones. We can go shoe shopping, purse shopping and everything.' Libby became a real girly-girl. I couldn't help but smile.

'Yeah, I'd like that.' My mum had never taken really ever taken me shopping. She had always been too busy.

Slowly one by one, everyone disappeared. Leaving just me and Libby. We spent hours in there. After we finnished my room looked amazing. Libby said she'd take me out for a few things and clothes. I had such a time with Libby. It felt like I was with my mum. When we finnished I went for a wonder around the house. I ended up in the games room. Jesse and Joey where playing on the wii. They were playing Mario kart. Jesse pressed paused, he turned to me and smiled.

'You coming to sit with us?' He asked. He patted the seat next to him. I sat down next to him. The second I sat down, Joey stood up. He stormed out the room. I looked to Jesse, he sighed.

'Joey ... He's sensative. And doesn't like ...' He trailed off.

'Like me? Yeah I kinda guessed that.' I sighed. And grabbed the wii remote.

'I bet I can beat you.' He smiled. He looked so charming.

'What do I get if I win?' I asked.

'$10?' I nodded. 'What do I get if I win?' He asked.

'$10?' He smiled and stuck his hand out. I shook it and we started to play. A whole mushroom and lightning cup later Jesse owned me $10

'Pay up.' Jesse pulled $10 out of his pocket and held it out in the air and to the other side of me. I tried to reach over and grab it.

'Jesse give,' I called 'JESSE!' I fell on top of Jesse.

'Well this is nice.' He chuckled, winking at me. I don't know what came over me. Jesse looked so cute. Leant down slowly and our lips meant. At first it was gently. He kissed back. More eagerly. My tongue swept across his bottom lip. He opened his mouth. My eyes closed. I moved my hands to his hair. Locking my finger in his hair. I felt his hands on my ass. My breathing became heavy. His hands reached the hem of my shirt. He pulled away and looked at me. Then he leaned back in and his hands went up my shirt.

Someone cleared there throat. I pulled away from Jesse. I was bright red. We both moved and stood up quickly. Jesse had a bright grin on his face. Then we looked at the door. Jesse's smile disappeared. He walked towards the door. But Kade caught his arm. Jesse pulled away and walked out.

'You were lucky it was me and not mum. If she'd seen you and Jesse then, you two would be dead.' He winked at me and walked out. Kade seemed angry Which scared he a little. I walked to my room. I found my way to my door. Aaron came out of his door. I screamed.

'Calm down.' He said putting his hand on my shoulder

'You scared the shit out of me.' Aaron laughed. And walked off. I went into my room.

'Jesse get here now.' Kades voice came ring through the intercom. Got a shower and into bed. I was so tired. I laid on my bed Thinking about things. 

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