Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I looked in the mirror. I looked beautiful. Not to brag or anything. I had my dress on Libby bought earlier and a pair of electric blue heels. My hair was in a high bun. I had mascra and a thin layer of black eyeliner. Amy looked beautiful too. Her dress was a black dress, it was strapless. The skirt was ruffled and finnished just above her knee. Seh had opque tights and black stilettos on.

'Are you two ready yet?' A voice called through the intercom. Amy fast walked over to the intercom.

'We'll be down in a moment.' Amy said. We walked along the corridor and down the stairs. Jesse and Aaron where stood waiting. Both of them in white shirts and a pair of smart jeans. Jesse looked gorgous. Amy went over to Aaron, they linked arms and walked out. I stopped at the bottom of the steps as Jesse walked over. A huge smile on his face.

'So ... were we going?' I asked. He let out a chuckle.

'It's a suprise.' He took my hand and lead me outside. There where three cars outside. Jesse's Audi, Aaron's Mercedes Jeep and a Nissan. I don't know who the Nissan's was. Jesse opened the passengers side. I got in and Jesse slide in the other side.

'You look really ... nice.' I say giggling. 'Sorry I couldn't think of a better adjective.'

'Hot, Gorgous, sexy. The list goes on.' He cocked his eyebrow and chuckled.

'Big head much?' I asked sacsatically.

'You look stunning. That dress is gorgous.' He smiled at me. I started to blush. I have to stop blushing when he compliments me!

We were in the car for nearly an hour when we pulled up at a beach. Yes a beach. It was eight o'clock at night, I'm in huge heels and we are on a beach.

'A beach?' I aske curiously.

'Yes the beach, but there is something else as well.' He leaned over and kissed my cheek. We both got out of the car and started to walk along the edge of the sand. We walked for about ten minuets before we stopped.

'We need to go on the sand,' He bobbed down. 'I'll give you a piggy back. Come on, short-stack.' I giggled and climbed on his back. I didn't care if my dress came up. He up his hand on the bottom of my thigh to keep me up. He raced across the sand. Running. I giggled and let out a whoop. Jesse laughed too. We reached a long dock. Jesse began walking but refused to put me down when I asked him to.

'So who's the third couple on our date with?' I asked. I rested my head on his shoulder. We reached the end of the dock and he put me down.

'About that ...' He trailed off. Then I heard it.

'WHAT IS THAT HORE DOING HERE!' She shreiked. I turned around to see Amy, Aaron, Kade and Jade. Jade was in the tiniest thing I'd ever seen. I don't think you could count it as a dress. It was bright pink and strapless. It showed way too much cleaveage and it was too short, stopping just below her arse. She walked over to me.

'What do you think your doing here? Trying to ruin my date with Kade?' She spat.

'Actually I have my own date. I don't need your cast off dates. Unlike you I don't need to steal someones else's date.' I retorted. She 'umped' and turned away. I walked towards Jesse. He looked concerend.

'Sorry, I couldn't help it. Are you mad?' I asked.

'No, I find it quite entertaining. The boat will be here in a few minuets.' He told me. He pulled me close to him. He leaned down and kissed me gentley. I kissed back but he quickly pulled away.

'Wait. Were getting a boat?' I asked. As if on cue, a yacht docked next to us.

'Correction, were getting a yacht.' He smiled and grabbed my hand. Leading us onto the boat. We went to the end of the boat. To the point of it. There was a table set up. Two chairs. Two meals. Two glasses. We sat down and a waitor came over and placed the food infront of us. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw what we were having. Chicken Keive, chips and a side order of barbeque beans. This is my favourite food. How did he know?

'I hope you like it. Sorry it's not the most romantic thing in the world but I know its your favourite.' He began cutting up his chicken.

'Don't worry about it. And how did you know?' I asked.

'I asked my mum. She said that you put it on the shopping list everyweek.' He explained. I took the first bite in my chicken. It was perfect and the sauce was amazing. It was like a food heaven. We sat an date our meal, talking about school and christmas, music playing in the background. When we finnished eating and 'someone like you' by Adele came on.

'Do you want to dance?' Jesse asked. He stood up and put his hand out. I took his hand and stood up, we walked over to the a raised platform and started dancing. He put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. We danced together slowly. Moving around the 'dance floor' together. My eyes met with Jesse's. I must have zoned out because I didn't hear the song end. I heard 'check yes Juliette' playing.

'Eden?' Jesse said.

'Yeah?' I asked. It was a statement that came out as a question.

'Will you be my girlfreind?' He asked. He took me by suprise, but I already knew what my answer was. There was no doubt about it.

'Yes.' I replied. I couldn't help but smile. Jesse pulled me closer and a rested my head on his chest. I felt so happy. He wrapped his arms around me. A few minets later I heard shouting. I pulled away from Jesse. We interlocked fingers and walked to were the shouting was. It lead us inside to a dinning area. All four of them were arguing. Well, Jade and Amy were shouting and Kade and Aaron were holding them back.

Jade noticed us and turned her attention to me.

'ITS ALL THAT WHORE'S FAULT!' Jade yelled. She wriggled free from Kade's grasp and walked right over to me. I felt a little scared. As a result of being scared, my grasp on Jesses hand tightened.

'HOW WAS IT HER FAULT?!' Amy yelled.

'Whats going on?' I asked calmly. Kade grabbed hold of Jade. Tossed her over his shoulder, revealing her thong and walked out. Aaron let go of Amy and they both came over to me.

'What happened?' I asked again.

'Me and Aaron where sat talking about you and Jesse. We could see you two dancing outside and I said you looked really sweet. And Jade started bad mouthing you. And I just flipped out.' Amy explained.

'Thank you, Amy.' I said quietly.

'Your welcome.' She answered.

'Have you ... asked her?' Aaron asked. I smiled knowing what he was on about.

'Yeah.' He smiled, looking at me.


'I said yes.' I smiled. Amy scuttled over to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

For the rest of the night, the four of us, sat inside. We had desert, danced, sang and talked for ages. We might have kissed a few times ... I had so much fun. It was an amazing date. Its nearly eleven now. Amy and Aaron had too much to drink from the bar and are getting a taxi home. They didn't want to wait for us and they were too drunk to drive.

Jesse took me to the back of the boat. Whilst we'd been on the boat we'd been docked but now we were sailing. We weren't far from the shore. A slow song came on and Jesse and I started to dance. It was so romantic.

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