Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I laid in bed silent. It was 11:50 and I was starting to think Jesse wouldn't come. I wanted him to come so badly. I wanted to hug him and cuddle up with him. I turned over to go to sleep when the door opened. The covers were pulled back and he slid in next to me. I turned over to see Jesse's smiling face.

'I didn't think you would come.' I whispered. I pulled myself close and burried my face in his chest. I could smell him. I he smelt so good.

'Why did you think that?' He asked. He wrapped his arms around me. He rested his chin on my head.

'I just thought you had fallen asleep.' I sighed. He pulled me back a little, arms lenght away. He looked me in the eyes. He got his phone out and smiled. He showed me his screen. The clock read 00:00.

'Merry Christmas, Princess.' He whispered.

'Merry Christmas, Prince Charming.' I whispered. He smile became bigger, streching from ear to ear. I leaned in and kissed him. I closed my eyes as our lips met. My heart skipped a beat. I pulled away and whispered.

'Good night Jesse. I lo-' I stopped mid-sentence. 'I like you, a lot.' I finished. I wish I had the guts to say I loved him. But I was scared he wouldn't say it back. He pulled me in close again and rested his head on my cheek.

'Good night Princess, I like you a lot too.' He whispered in my ear. I felt so safe and sound in his arms. I rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating and I could feel his chest moving. Slowly rising and falling. It was relaxing. It wasn't too long until I fell asleep.

I woke up early. I was so excited, my first Christmas with the Boltons. That made me smile. But then I frowned thinking of my mum. I wasn't going to see her. I guess I could call her. England and Italy are only an hour apart in time differance. I lifted my head off Jesse's chest. He was still asleep. How could he sleep on Christmas? I looked over to see Amy and Aaron gone. I checked my phone. It was only six. Where are they?

'Jesse?' I whispered. He didn't move. 'Jesse?' I said. He still didn't move. I climbed out of his arms and began to shake him. Again he didn't move. I stood up on the bed, jumping up and down. 'Jesse get up!' I said. Again he didn't wake. He rolled onto his back. Pushing me off the bed. I stood looking at him, thinking of a way to wake him.

And then it came to me.

I climbed ontop of Jesse, straddling him. I looked at his chest, so muscled and toned. I looked at his sleeping. He looked so peaceful. I didn't want to disturb him. But it was Christmas, so I did. I leaned down, my hands either side of his face. Taking some of my wieght off him. I kissed him onthe lips. As I was about to pull away, he kissed me back. His eyes opening. I moved back our lips only inches apart.

'I could get used to waking up like this.' He told me. I giggled and kissed him again.

'Merry Christmas.' I said. He flipped me onto my back. He was on his side and my legs were over his chest. One of his arms were around my back pulling me up.

'Merry Christmas to you two.'

'You better get back to your room. If your mum catches us we are dead.' I told him. He nodded.

'My mum will wake us all at 6:30 anyway. I'll see you then.' He kissed me one more time before leaving. I turned on my laptop and opened a tab with DubHappy on. I put on my all time favouite Anime move. Spirited Away.

Like Jesse said, Libby came in at six thirty to wake us all up. We all went into the living room, the tree was lit up and it was surrounded my presents. On the coffee table there where plates. Each one had everyones favouite breakfast on and there name written in syrup. I took my plate and sat on the floor, enjoying my presents. Everyone came in, grabbing there breakfast and taking a seat. After a while Libby spoke.

'Merry Christmas,' We all said it back to her. 'Okay time to open presents.' She started handing presents out. First of all the ones she got us. My present was beautiful. A cloudy, square trinket box. On the top there was a butterfly, its rings where diamond incrusted. It was beautiful. I loved it so much. Then everyone else handed theres out. Oldest to youngest. When it got to Jesses turn to hand his presents out, he whispered to me.

'I'll give you yours later, when were on our own.' I smiled and nodded.

'I'll give you yours too.' I told him. I looked over to Jade when Kade gave her, her present. It was a long velvet box. She opened the box to reveal a beautiful Jade necklace. It was so beautiful. Jade smiled weakly, Kade was blind though and didn't notice it was a fake smile. I felt my heart sink. He had obviously had put a lot of thought into it. She handed him a gift. He opened it, revealing a Santa outfit. It was awful. Kade acted like he liked it. But I could tell he hated it. I felt so sorry for him. Then I looked over at Amy and Aaron. Aaron got Amy a charm bracelet, filled with charms. And she had got him some video games and something for his guitar.

'What are we doing today?' I asked Jesse.

'I have this evening planned. I want to spend today with you.' He told me.

And thats exactly what we did. We spent all day with each other. Mostly cuddled up on the sofa, drinking hot chocolate. I loved being cuddled up with him. Then it hit me. I was going to say I loved him, tonight.

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