Ch. 26 - Passion

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Arms over your head, you felt the fabric of your band tee being pulled up above your head. You rolled with the gesture, encouraging the actions in haste. The scratchy fabric was an annoyance between the two of you. You flung it away as if it was catching fire in your grasp. Taehyung tossed your shirt off into the darkness of the blanket fort he had built just for you. Your hands gluing to his face as you brought him back down to you in a heated kiss. While your tongue sought out his own, your hands moved to the hem of his shirt and began to work it up.

The kiss breaking a second time as you shed his shirt from him like a second skin. Eagerly you met his lips in hopes of not having to part from them any time soon. With his knees pressed firmly into the rug and he braced your head with his wide-open palm, making the kiss effortless. His right hand roamed free to the button of your black jeans. Knotting your arms around his neck you held him locked into your kiss while he made quick work of your clasp on your pants. You could feel the fabric loosen around your hips.

For you, Taehyung was more enthralling than the winter sun above pristine snow; he was warmer than spring sunshine on soft new grass; he was more mesmerizing than the fall leaves. What he truly was an eternal summer, for every day with him was perfect blue skies with love in the air. Your attraction to him wasn't because he was handsome, though he was, it is to his soul, to the wonderful person he was inside. Home to you wasn't a place, it wasn't a destination. It would forever be a person, and it would forever be him.

As he tugged at the lining of your jeans, you swayed your hips and rolled your body to aid in the removal. Taehyung having to shift his weight from your center to your side to allow your legs to join together just long enough for your denim jeans to be pulled off you like a snake's skin. Fingers lacing deep in his brown hair that was rich in caramels and deep earthy hues. A color so pure it shined with beauty in every light and felt of silk. You could feel his rough worked hands slide back up your bare legs as he reached out for your hips again. His grasp bringing life back into your lungs as you breathed his actions in. Every piece of him was consuming.

Passion came in two forms. Passion in the desires that drive up a will to live, and the passion that connected the hearts of a pair. Pure greed in most could turn deadly in the eyes of evil. A heart too consumed by the madness. Though, passion was the reason you rose from the flames when your world was ash. For in that passion, was love, determination, and grit. It got you back up and kept you alive. You were cursed with a passion that was only fueled by his influence. Without him, the world seemed bleak and bare. A small voice in you crying out for the feeling again.

You had simple desires, lifelong passions that you'd wish to pursue. You had desires outside of the man you loved, but none of those things seemed worth wild without him. With him, you saw not only an unending love, you saw the happiness that only his comfort can bring. Being in his presence made you want to be a better person, and if you couldn't have him... then nothing could ever compare.

His palm pressed against your stomach as he began to massage lower. Rolling into his touch you breathed into his deepened kiss. With a lingering farewell dance of your tongue, you pulled from the kiss. Taking in a breath, a low and almost meek laugh rumbled up your throat. "You've gotta lose those pants." Playfulness bit at the tip of your tongue as you smiled up at him. You wondered if he got the hint that you didn't need a longer stay in foreplay to be ready. Of course, you enjoyed the intensity the build-up of foreplay had to offer, but sometimes you just had to rush to the long-awaited finish line. The ride would be just as spectacular nonetheless.

Taehyungs's pointed tongue snaked from his lips and rounded his top lip. A quiver spiked your heart rate at just the sight. Perhaps this man was a living angel, but he was capable of the most devilish acts that simply melted you at your core. Tossing his head back, he forced his bangs from his eyes to see more clearly in the dim candlelight of the room. He looked for the closest thing to help him best get up from the floor without putting strain over you. You just admired the side profile of his face, his jawline strong and sharp.

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