Ch. 42 - Home

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Melissa explained more about Gregory's condition. He was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, stage four. They found it late, and there wasn't anything that could be done with such short notice. Along with his cataracts getting rather bad in the last few months, limiting his field of vision and only adding to his disoriented confusion some days. The doctors were keeping him comfortable, and Miss Melissa was his only companion now.

Promising Melissa that his dignity would remain intact no matter what you 'wrote' for whatever assignment or news reporter agency she thought you were with. Melissa offered you privacy as you headed into his bedroom. Down the hall, the last door on the right. Taehyung offered to stay behind in the dining room with the nurse for a drink. He was willing to give you the chance to handle this on your own but remained near in case things spun out of hand. Would it be you or Mr. Bowsers who lost it first?

As you passed down the hallway your eyes were drawn to the first door on the left, lingering on the worn patches of metal on the knob due to years of use. It felt... familiar. Once again your feet carried you forward as if on autopilot. With each inch forward your heartbeat irregularly, anxiety and stress constricting around your chest causing your breath to swallow.

The master bedroom's door was wide open, held in place by a door spotter wedged under the frame. Your eyes studied the carpet, taking your time to look up to the bed in the center of the room. You were scared of what you would see, unsure why you were. All of this was a mystery and you were likely to just walk away with more questions than answers.

"Who are you?" His raspy weak voice cracked out of his throat, causing your eyes to dart up to meet his frosted-over light eyes. His eyes sunk into his face as his skin hung loose on his bones. He was swimming in his hospital pajama's that made it easier for Melissa to handle his messes and clean him up quickly. His body shook, unsure if it was due to the cold or his nerves. His once vibrant green eyes now hazed out from the thick lens clouding his vision.

"Uh. I..." Shit. Your words were coming out in confused stutters. Biting the inside of your cheek, you straightened your back and tried to stand tall despite your hesitation. "I know your daughter." You blurted out, it was the only thought you could bring the force that wasn't a lie. Lying to a dying man just felt wrong, but was it compassionate?

Stepping forward, you hoped to allow him to see you better. You got within a few feet of the queen bed he laid upon. Likely he should have been in a hospital bed, but you wondered if he stayed in that bed because it was the one he had shared with his wife. "She with you?" Gregory questioned causing you to stop in your tracks and avert your gaze across the room. What were you supposed to say to that? Mr. Bowsers glanced at his end table, squinting his eyes as he tried to read the time off an old analog clock. "She should be home soon." He grumbled under his breath, his jaw moving past his words as if he were chewing despite nothing being in his mouth.

"Come here." Raising a shaky hand he reached out to you. You could see the blue veins layin just under pale translucent skin. "Come on, come here." He said again, waving his hand as he was growing irritated by your hesitation. Not wanting to send a helpless older man into a fit, you stepping closer and near the side of his bed. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you softly as he signaled for you to sit down beside him.

Swallowing your empty throat you took a seat beside him on the bed and let yourself fester at the moment. His hand was cold and you could feel the tremble in his fingers in your grasp now. The squeeze of his hand against yours caused your eyes to meet his gaze. Silence filled the moment before he uttered a simple name. "Kasey..." You could feel your heartache, was he confusing you for his daughter? "I never thought I'd see you again..." His voice was weak as he whispered. His cloudy eyes shuttered close a few times as he tried to clear his vision to no avail. He couldn't see you properly, perhaps that's why he mistook you for his daughter. Hisd confusion allowing him to forget what was just said. 

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