Ch. 51 - One Day

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Waking up was difficult, sitting up was worse. Your body was heavy and tired as your eyes fluttered open. The rush of sedatives made its way out of your system, allowing you to finally wake well into the middle of the night. You let out a pained grown, taking in a deep breath as you pushed past the resistance and sat up in your bed.

"Hey..." A deep low voice whispered from the corner of the room, startling you for a second. You jerked to the side, looking in that direction and quickly recognizing the shape of the man as your love. "Hey." You forced a tired smile as you looked over at him, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment for having flinched at his voice. "How are you feeling?"

"Like my body weights a ton of bricks." You groaned, leaning back in your seat as your arm returned to your folded lap. Taehyung stepped from the corner of the room and cautiously approached. "Y/N?" He asked oddly. "Yeah?" You answered, raising a brow. As you confirmed your name, Taehyung released a heavy breath he had been holding in his lungs. Your brows frowned, wrinkling in the middle. "Should I know what you meant by that deep breath?" You asked, narrowing your eyes as if you were the only one in the room unaware of something.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Taehyung asked, his eyes unable to stay on you as he nervously looked around the room. "Uh..." You sputtered as you tried to recall. Looking back into your memories felt like trying to see in dense fog. It took a minute before the pieces started to come together. Your eyes looked up to Taehyung as they went hallow. "I remember you guys had to sedate me..."

"Which time?" He asked without skipping a beat. "What?" Again, he was unable to meet your gaze. "You sedated me yesterday because I... I thought I saw something or... someone." Your eyes cast down to your lap as you scrunched your brows and tried to glue your memories together more effectively. Though, what Taehyung had to say next turned that plan to shit. "That was two days ago, Y/N."

"What happened to yesterday?" You asked as you darted your eyes back up. Taehyung took in a deep breath as he reached behind himself and shut the door, leaving it only a crack. It was the middle of the night, so it was uncommon to be locked alone in a room with a patient, too many eyes. "You weren't yourself." Taehyung started as he turned back around to you and kept his voice low. "What the fuck does that mean, Taehyung?" You asked colorfully as panic set into your eyes. How could you not be yourself for an entire day?

"You-" Taehyung cut himself off as he looked to his left and bit back his words. He didn't want to upset you, to hurt you. "Please, Taehyung." You whispered, telling him you needed to know what was happening to you. Knowing he was the only one who would give you the truth without a clinical answer that felt heartless and cold. "You told me your name was Kasey."

Fading out of reality you processed what that meant for your sanity. "So, I wasn't myself yesterday?" You asked, stretching out your words as you were trying to piece together the fragments of your mind. Taehyung lowered his head with a soft nod. "I lost a day." You stated, leaning your head back you breathed out a groan and stared up at the boring white tile ceiling. "How does someone just lose an entire day of their life, Taehyung?!" those words echoing in your head spilled from your mouth in a raised whisper. Knowing you had to keep your voice down to be able to continue this conversation.

"Baby, I don't know. I wish I did." There was a faint whine in his voice, wanting to cry out because he couldn't help you. It was terrifying for someone you love to be going through something that you have zero control over. "I'm getting worse." Your voice cracked from your throat as you cast your eyes down. "I'm going to die in here." Your voice broke as a few tears started to form in the corner of your eyes and clock your throat.

"Don't say that." He said, stepping forward. He kneeled on the ground next to the bed and reached out to grab your hands. "We can get through this, together. Okay?" He was giving you one of his famous pep talks to try and boost your morale. You nodded your head, trying to answer him through the tears. He cupped your cheek in one of his large hands and thumbed away a few streams of water that raced down your cheek.

"You are my world, Y/N." Taehyung whispered as he looked up from his kneeling position in front of you. "If we can get through this, we can get through anything." Taehyung held your hand tightly, continued to stroke at your cheek as he smiled sweetly up to you. His smile was infectious, even if just for a moment. Your lips cracked into a meek smile and chuckled up the lump in your throat. "Yeah?" You finally uttered. "Yes." He corrected softly as well as answered your assumed question.

"Not even death can stop my love for you..."

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