Ch. 49 - Coincidence

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Jimin's daily call did little to soothe you today. By some stroke of terrible luck, someone had tried to rob where Jimin worked at gunpoint. No one was injured, but potentially everyone in that building could have died, Jimin included. Who robs a dance studio? It was just so incredibly bizarre, that something just didn't feel right. You extended your talk time by thirty minutes after some arguing with the evening nurse. Given the emergency, she allowed you a little extra time. Not that talking longer was going to fix a thing, you still didn't want to get off the phone with your brother. 

"It was just a random act, Y/N." Jimin tried to calm you best he could from afar. Convincing you just as Taehyung had that it was just an accident. Well, less on Jimin's part. You were thankful he didn't try and play hero and get himself killed. Money wasn't worth his life, or anyone's life for that matter.  "Did they catch the guy?!" 

"No. He got away. But, he just wanted the money." Jimin breathed into the phone as he tried to think of something to say that would calm you. "We're upping security at the studio, I am fine." He reiterated. Your nails scrapped across the thick black plastic of the rotary phone you talked on, nervous to accept the answer. You knew you had to. There was nothing that could be done on your end, even if you weren't locked in here. Nevertheless, you couldn't stop the nauseating feeling of something bad deep in your gut. Yoongi's words began to echo in your head. 

Hearing a beep on the line, Jimin went quiet for a moment before sighing as he regretfully said "I gotta go." Ending the call a little early wasn't his style. He tried to have as much phone time as he could with his baby sister since he wasn't able to see you as often as he'd like. "Lexi's on the other end, she must have heard my voice mail. I should answer." Right, Lexi. His girl. At least you could breathe a little easier knowing Lexi was with him, and that she would do her best to protect him in your place. "Okay. Tell her I said hi, okay?" 

"I will." He answered back before giving his sweet goodbye. "I love you babs!" He said with cheer, you could almost hear the smile on his face. "Love you too, Bear." It was your goodbyes with him, they never ended in 'bye'. Goodbye sounded too 'final' he said, so the two of you always tried to end each talk with love instead. The link clicked a few seconds later and you placed it back on the receiver. Looking over to the nurse behind her desk, you made sure she noticed you were done with the phone. Giving you a curt nod, you took that as confirmation as you stood up and started to head back to your room. 

The long trek back to your room was daunting, but being inside was worse. It was still not as bad as attempting to socialize with the clinically insane. This wasn't an outpatient hospital, it was for 'worst of the worse'. Nevertheless, it was owned and operated by the wealthy. A lot of high profile people, families of the famous or political people. They came here, tucked away from society and the shame they could bring to their wealthy lineage. There were rumors that quite a few patients were in for murder, but their families had the money to send them here as opposed to getting sent to prison. 

You'd rather keep to yourself, not wanting to trust someone who's incapable of understanding what trust means. It was cold, and it didn't help your case with your previous doctor. They wanted you to socialize to be more outgoing. That just wasn't going to happen. You felt like when you started to make friends and a life here, that's when you'll know you'll never be able to leave. You were going to do things by your own morals, whether they liked it or not. 

Entering your room, you headed to your bed and sat along the edge. You started ahead at the blank wall, disassociating from the world. After years in this place, you ran out of ideas to occupy your time. It had become relaxing to just step away from your body and let your mind think of better times. 

"Coincidence?" A deep raspy voice ran out from behind you. Your eyes snapped open, your lungs filled with air so quickly it burned. Your body involuntarily flung forward in sudden uncontrollable fear as you hit the floor and quickly tried to make your way onto your back to find out who was in your room. With hair in your eyes and your breath coming out in pants now, you laid eyes on the dark black figure standing on the other side of your bed. Your eyes raised to its face and registered the silver of his hair first. No. "Yoongi." You called out in a shaky voice. 

Yoongi's eyes stared blankly ahead, straight at your position on the floor without another word. Were you asleep? You were on your bed, maybe you dozed off? "What--" You took a second to catch your breath and push yourself up from laying on the cold hard floor. "What're you doing here?" Your words finally came out of your throat after the hesitation. You were terrified to know the answer.

"Just here for a chat." His voice bellowed out, sounding more normal, more human. You saw his broad chest expand with a breath before flatting down as he exhaled. Even the slightest movement he made put you on edge, everything about him made a sense of fear tingle on your skin. "So, I'm dreaming again." Placing your hands on the floor you pushed yourself back to a standing position and tried to repeat that phase inside your mind in an attempt to calm you. 

"What did you say a second ago?" You asked as you looked down toward the floor in thought. "Coincidence?" You questioned aloud as you raised your eyes back to his black irises. "Yes, do you believe in then?" Yoongi asked, extending his leg he took one step forward. As he did, you took one step back. "Uh... What?" Not understanding what he meant by the question. He was death, or so he claimed. The question felt like it could have a trick answer. "Do you believe in coincidence? Or do you believe in fate?" Removing his hands from his long coat, he let them hang back his side lifelessly. Your brows scrunched as your eyes narrowed, what was his game? 

"Well, I believe things just happen sometimes, yeah?" Nervously you answered back, your expression moving to that of confusion as you stared at him from across the small room. Thankfully, the bed still separated you. "So..." He began to step around the bed, each step timed in slow motion as he approached you like a coaching lion. "Taehyung's accident. Jimin's robbery. Coincidence?" 

Ice shot through your heart and your eyes widened. No. This wasn't happening. These were just nightmares. Your eyes slammed shut, hoping in doing so you'd wake yourself back up and end this bad dream. But as your wide eyes reopened you still saw Yoongi. "Don't." You answered back finally. "Excuse me?" 

"Don't!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. "Don't what?" Yoongi asked, his voice calm and collect. There was a twitch at the corner of his mouth that expressed his amusement. "You're trying to scare me! You're not even real!!" Anger replaced the fear in you as you took a stomping foot forward and bared your teeth to Yoongi who stood just a few feet back. 

"You are so sure, that I'm not real?" Yoongi asked as his head tilted to the side dangerously slow. "Just as you're sure that you're 'Not Kasey'." That smile finally made its way to his lips without shame. His dark eyes gleamed with a sense of delight. "You're sure, that it wasn't me who caused those events that put the ones you love in danger?" His voice hissed from behind pearly white teeth as he grinned in such a way that disturbed you. 

"Stop!!" You yelled, raising your hands as you tried to cover your ears. Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!! 

"Y/N?!" Taehyung yelled as he came dashing into the room. Your eyes now watering quickly opened back up to see your love rushing to your side, along with another nurse. "Are you okay?" He asked, kindly grabbing onto your arms but being careful not to show too much attention to arouse suspicion. "No, no!" You cried, raising your hands to cover your eyes as you tried to whip them clean. Putting your hands down you looked over to the last place you saw Yoongi only to see empty air. No... Were you still dreaming? 

"This isn't real. No!" Flailing your arms you pushed Taehyung away along with the other male nurse. "STOP THIS!!!" Your lungs filled with as much air as they could contain before screaming into the air, doing anything you could think of to end the nightmare. 

"We have to sedate her." The other male nurse said before quickly leaving the room. Taehyung watched the man leave, wishing he could stop him and beg him not to do that to the woman he loves. He couldn't, he'd lose his job if anyone knew. Nor could he hold you in comfort as there were eyes everywhere. The only thing he could think to do is try and whisper a few quick words of love. 

Retreating to the bed in fear, Taehyung followed after you as his job was to restrain you so you were unable to hurt yourself. Grabbing your wrists he pulled you close despite your protest and leaned into as he whispered. "Y/N, I love you. That's real. It's going to be okay." Your breath was labored, but you heard what he said. Clenching your jaw you tried to fight back the flood of tears that was coming to no avail. "I love you..." You whispered back before the nurse returned to the room and quickly rushed to the bedside. The needle in his hand was unsettling, it sent panic back into your body. You couldn't shake the feeling that you were still dreaming and this was death's way of punishing you, torturing you. 

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