Ch. 43 - Love

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Mr. Bowsers had to rest soon after your talk. You had gotten an hour of precious time with a terminal man, and left his home feeling more 'complete'. He had gifted you something, in return for pretending to be his daughter. The feeling of a father's love. Even if it wasn't directed at you, you felt the warmth in his words and love in his touch. The way he spoke so softly to his daughter and the way his shaking hands held such compassion and care. Kasey and her father must have been close. You wished you had that type of parental love, but thanks to Gregory Bowsers, you at least know what that kind of love felt like in this lifetime. 

Returning back after snagging some cheap drive-through food, you headed back to the hotel to shower and try and relax. What was a vacation if you didn't treat yourself to a little hotel self-care? For the first time during the trip, you felt content. There was no darkness looming over your eyes as you tried to figure out your sanity. There was no little voice in the back of your head telling you that you were going crazy. It hadn't been a bad day considering the hour you spent crying, you still thought this day was better than most. Perhaps it was because you had given Mr. Bowsers closure with his deceased daughter, or because you didn't feel crazy talking to him. 

After a long shower and a little skincare routine that made your cheeks feel like silky rose petals. You settled into bed next to Taehyung, who had already fallen asleep while you took your extensive bath. You smoothed back his chestnut locks, moving them from his closed eyes. Leaning over you kissed his forehead ever so softly as to not wake him. He deserved the extra sleep, and he looked too peaceful to wake up. Switching off the white shade lamp on the enable next to the king-size bed, you wiggled into your side and pulled the covers up to your neck. Rolling on your side, you closed your eyes and let your feet find Taehyung's under the sheets. You both wiggled around too much sleeping to stay in a cuddle position. So most of the time your feet or legs just ended up tangled together in attempts to still stay close and connected to each other. 

The room was so incredibly quiet, nearly unsettling how you heard no sound. It got so quiet you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. It felt like time was dragging along as you waited to fall asleep. Were you just not tired yet? Just as you were about to throw in the towel and try and find something to entertain you for a little while till you got tired, you heard it. 

"Y/N..." Your lids bounced up as the sound of your whispered name caught you off guard. You flinched before picking up your head and trying to look back over your shoulder. "I thought you were--" turning to look at your lover you were met only with his soundly sleeping face. Was he talking in his sleep? How cute. You smiled softly to yourself and rolled over in the bed to face him instead. Maybe this position would let you go to sleep faster. Reaching a hand up you planted it against his warm skin as your finger dragged across his jaw. There was that peaceful beauty again.

"Outside." Your already open eyes widened in horror. You had been staring at those perfectly aligned lips of his and they hadn't moved, not even a twitch. Every nerve in your body was rushed into fight or flight mode. Quickly sitting up from the bed, you whipped your head around. You scanned your surroundings like a snipper but found nothing that stood out to you in the darkness. 

"Come outside..." The voice uttered once more. This time, you could tell it wasn't Taehyung's voice you were hearing. Your heart began to beat frantically, you couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from or even who it was speaking to you.

"Taehyung!" You quickly called out in a raised whisper as your attention turned back to your sleeping partner. You shook him softly trying to wake him in your fright. But he didn't budge, not even a single stir. Gripping his shoulders tighter you shook a bit harder, causing his head to bounce on the pillow. "Taehyung!" You said in a slightly raised voice. Despite your fear, you didn't want to scream him awake if you weren't currently dying. No matter how hard you rattled him he wouldn't move, he was comatose.

"Outside..." the voice hissed again. It was deep in tone but soft in its pitch. The voice appeared to be more clear now but still, its source was unknown. Was it coming from the right? Maybe the left? Maybe... inside your head? It felt like every nerve in your body was being pulled taut rendering you paralyzed. With no answer to your questions began to question aloud. "Am I hallucinating...?"

"Come outside." The deep rustic voice continued to order quietly, the voice not quite as deep as Taehyung's own but the deadpan way in which they spoke was more terrifying than the pitch. "The door..." finally the voice uttered something new. Your eyes darted to the bedroom door, still seeing nothing unusual but the fact that you hear a strange voice that appeared to come from nowhere and everywhere, that was unusual enough.

"Who are you?" Your voice came out softly, a low whisper as you were nervous to even ask. Slowly you pulled the white comforter blanket back and carefully let your feet dangle on the side of the bed. You were scared, no doubt, but if Taehyung was out for the count it was up to you to protect him, right? Your eyes scanning every inch of the room trying to find anything to explain this madness.

"Outside." Was all the voice repeated.

You could feel your heart beating relentlessly against your chest as you stared at the door now. Its white wood seeming harmless but at the same time haunting. The sliver knob shined with a sense of panic. What was out there? Whatever this was, it wanted you outside but... why? This is how horror movies start.

Despite your better judgment, you pushed yourself to your feet. You practically had to drag yourself closer, each step felt like a mile. As you reached within a foot of the door your eyes averted to the side as you heard rustling from the bed. Taehyung had finally moved, rolling onto his side completely harmless. At least you knew he was okay, just a heavy sleeper. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it to his chest to replace the warmth your absence caused him to lose, he quickly fell back into a sound slumber. The sight of him finally moving eased you a little. Your eyes shot back to the doorknob as your fingers twitched beside you.

"Outside..." The voice drew softer again, a breezy whisper as you contemplated what you'd find on the other side of that wooden frame. Though, despite the emotionless tone, the voice didn't seem threatening. Perhaps this was just a dream, granted you hadn't had many dreams while taking your medications. Mood-changing medication had a tendency to cause patients to no longer dream. 

Raising your heavy hand you slid it against the cold metal and twisted the knob, hearing the latch pop as you pushed it open. Taking in an extremely deep breath, as if you were going to be suddenly underwater you stepped forward and out of the door to find out what was behind the mysterious voice. 

'Just get it over with.' That was all you could rationalize to yourself. Part of you tried to convince yourself it was a dream, and if so you had no control over what you did. Would make sense why you're following a voice out into a hotel hall in the middle of the night. Rip it off like a bandaid and be done with it.

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