Ch. 25 - Forever

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The secret was out regarding your go-to date night movie. Somehow, watching it for what seemed like the hundredth time was exciting again. At what point did the little things turn into monumental moments in time.

Your head resting in the cradle his crossed legs provided. Laying on your side, your hip pressed into the carpet, and a plush grey blanket covering you like a cloak of snow. Taehyung was your own personal pillow. Halfway through the three-hour movie, you rolled from your side to your back, trying to release the strain the hard floor had on your hip.

Your eyes looked up at Taehyung from below. You could see the 'V' shape of his cut jawline in the neon florescent light of the T.V. His face aglow from the colors of the screen. He hadn't noticed your gaze, his attention still on the overplayed movie. You seized the little moment of time to just admire the sight before you. It felt like a lifetime since you could be so carefree with the man you were going to marry. A slice of time where you didn't have to dwell on the terrible. There was nothing more than the two of you now.

"I love you." Interrupting the movie with words that poured from your heart. "-- so incredibly much." You added as his chestnut gaze finally found its way to you.

"I love you too, baby." His large palm planted against your cheek as he stroked at your skin with his thumb.

"Forever?" The word just left your lips without prior thought. There was a crack in your tone as your eyes threatened to gloss over with clear moister. Forever still didn't feel like long enough.

"And always." Leaning down, Taehyung stole a breathy kiss from your lips to quiet the thoughts he could see begin to corrupt your mind. "Not even death could stop my love for you..." He whispered as his lips pulled back from yours slowly. You could feel his skin brush against your own as he spoke.

Your eyes searched his dark caramel eyes for any sign of doubt in what he said. You didn't know why you bothered to even look for the bad within him. There wasn't any to be found in the confines of his cherished soul. Only love looked back at you in those dark chocolate eyes, and that was backed with certainty.

Your fingers snaked around his neck and took claim of his nape. With a firm pull, you brought his face closer, sealing the bit of distance that separated you. You inhaled his taste as you learned up bringing yourself closer to his body.

Taehyung wasted no time in matching your intensity with a hungry kiss of his own. His hand slipped into your hair and tangled his fingers in your medium-length locks. His hand cradled your head as he helped your accent to him.

It was electric the connection you had with him. He fueled your desire to be near him, a magnet linked in your hearts that just drew you close. You'd be willing to bet money that your atoms were near one another when the universe was created - explaining the uncontrollable attachment you had to this man.

You pressed him against the couch as you repositioned yourself. Your hands slapped the couch cushions beside his head as your hips finally faced forward. Raising your left leg you stepped over his crossed legs and slipped your knee by his hip. Crawling into his lap, hips throttling him.

It was almost hypnotic how two people could be so inexplicably drawn to one another. As if there was some hidden force that drew the very atoms of your body to crave his exitance. Even being pressed to his physical frame didn't seem to truly capture how close your connection felt. His love alone could sustain you. It was dangerous how much you loved Taehyung. He had the type of love that made you believe in entirety.

Running your fingers through the brown roots of his hair you fell into his kiss. Your body sinking in his lap as you melted into him like warm honey. Your exhale caving in your chest, with your breath you poured your worries out with it. Only Taehyung had the ability to put you at complete peace while making you feel the most alive.

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