Ch. 63 - Trio

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To say it was the best three days you've had in a long time may have been an overstatement considering all that had happened, but you hadn't remembered a time since high school that the three of you had spent so much time together. Even Lexi was able to stop by every day for an hour or two and spend time with the 'gang'. It felt like the good ol' days, and part of you wished it could be like this forever.

Jimin was moved out of I.C.U, even though he was far from going home. His leg was fractured and he had a few broken ribs, but his amnesia was nearly gone. He had been unable to piece together the car wreck completely but you wondered if it was for the best. Being through something so traumatic, perhaps his brain was just trying to protect him the same way you wish you physically could have.

It was nearly dinner time and Lexi had just left for her evening shift at work. Taehyung had taken some vacation time, refusing to leave until you were ready to go back to the mental hospital. Though, you both agreed one of you would have to return first by a day or two before the other could as to not seem suspicious to the staff at Chocia Hospital.

You watched in contentment as Jimin ate his jello slowly, proud that he was able to hold his spoon without too much pain. Jimin scuffed after he swallowed his last bite and set down his empty container. "Are you going smile like that every time I do anything?"

"Can you blame me?" You asked with a soft laugh as you stared at him from your seat. "I might if you continue to smile even if I fart." He laughed with a roll of his eyes. "Gross." You said swatting at the air with another laugh, this one more hearty. Taehyung chuckled from the edge of the room, letting the two of you banter in peace.

The light-hearted nature of the conversation was cut short when the tapping of expensive heels entered the room. Neither of you needed to look at the door to know who it was and neither of you bothered to look up to acknowledge her. "Y/N." Your mother called out with an exasperated sigh, irritated that neither of her children would look at her. You blew hot air from your nose like a bull and rolled your angry eyes in her direction. Acknowledging her existence without the need to speak to her. 

"The hospital thinks you should return." Your eyes rolled shut as you muttered lowly under your breath. "Don't pretend it was their idea..." Your eyes flashed back open just as quickly as they closed and locked on your mother. "Excuse me?" She questioned, attitude biting at her tongue.

 "She just ment--" Taehyung started to say, speaking up from the corner of the room as he straightened up in his seat, itching to stand on his feet but hesitant to try and measure up to your mother's height in her high heels. Your mother's voice came out hissed and sharp, "Did I ask for your input, boy?" Her blue eyes were as piercing as her words as she bared her gaze down on him, forcing him back in his seat at her sudden outburst. 

Your eyes darted back to your mother as hatred seethed out of your glare. Before her gaze met yours, you noticed Taehyung's earthy brown eyes watching you. You met his gaze for only a moment, but you could see the silent pleading in those pools of burnt amber to not fight a pointless war with your mother. The way you understood him with just a look was enough to remind you that you should take his rational advice into consideration before your blood began to boil. Closing your eyes you take in a massive inhale of antiseptic hospital air to cool your nerves. On your exhale you said calmly "I don't want to leave Jimin." Reverting the conversation back to its point. 

"Can she stay a few more days?" Jimin inserted himself quickly, being the older of the two of you he held more weight with your parents than you, the 'crazy' child. Somewhere deep down, they felt disappointment in Jimin for not detaching himself from you as they had. That they saw you as a parasite that was going to one day corrupt their remaining 'sane' son. They looked down on him because he still loved you, where they never had. Your mother folded her arms against her chest, her designer bag in the crook of her elbow. Her bitter lips were in a straight line as she stared between her two disobedient children. The silence thickened to a nauseating degree before she let out a massive huff. 

"Fine" She grumbled under her raspy voice as her heel stomped into the ground as she turned around to face the door. "You have till tomorrow." She added just before she made her first step toward the door, effectively ending the conversation with no chance to argue her decision. Your eyes watched her back with a burning distaste for everything your mother was. How could half your DNA come from her when you hated her so deeply? 

There were a few clicks of silence as the sounds of her heels disappeared down the hall. "Well, you win some you lose some." Jimin said as he watched her walk away, he didn't have the strength in him to show his disappointment. You didn't blame him for that. Sighing in your seat you looked over at your brother with a defeated gaze. "You know she just wants me away from her perfectly sane son." The attitude in you snuck its way out in the face of the people you trusted. "Y/N..." Taehyung started to say but Jimin finished his sentence instead. "Don't say that." 

"You know it's true." You said as your eyes darted between the two of them. "They think I'm infectious or something. Like you're going to catch 'the crazy'." You waved your hands in the air like you were a voodoo witch before turning your attention to the nearby hospital window. You knew you were being spiteful, but part of you couldn't help it. Who tried to split up siblings when one was bedridden in the hospital? It wasn't as if your mother or father was going to sit by his bedside and nurse him to health.

"I'll stay with Jimin till he's back on his feet." Taehyung chimed in as if he knew what was on your mind. He was always the ray of sunshine when your world was getting too dark. His kind brown eyes landing on you put you more at ease. You shifted your eyes back to him and gave him a half-bittersweet smile.

"I don't need a babysitter." Jimin pipped in, scrunching his brows as little wrinkles crinkled at his eyes. His thick lips pouting out like a baby. His hands slapped at the blanket beside himself. "No, you need a nurse." Taehyung rebutted with a cheesy grin. "I went to years of school just for this occasion."

"You went to school just in case I was in a car accident?" Jimin laughed softly which caused a sharp pain to pierce through his rib. Leaning to his right he covered the area with his hand and hissed. As if on cue, he raised his free palm and shook it back and forth in rejection. He knew you were going to try and get up and come to his side to help in any way you could. "I'm fine." He followed up the gesture before relaxing back in his seat.

"Yes." Taehyung said, returning to the conversation they were having prior. "And if you keep fighting me on this, then I'll make sure they start taking your temperature the 'other way'." Taehyung brows flared followed by a brisk laugh as he pointed to Jimin's rear end with a grin. "The hell you will." He barked with a jolt in his movements as he buried his rear end into the bed to protect it from threat.

You joined in on the laughter this time. The anger and disappointment your mother had brought was washed from the room as the two men in your life brought back the humor of it all. They breathed a sense of life into you that you felt you lacked. You would miss this, miss them. At least you were able to relax knowing Taehyung could be here for your brother when you couldn't. There was no one better to look after than the only other man in your life that you loved. For that, you were grateful.

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