Ch. 34 - Devious

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After a lengthy flight to West Virginia, your stiff legs finally got a rest. You landed in a tiny little airport, the smallest you had ever seen. It only had three terminals. You had seen some of the largest airports in the world. From LAX to ATL. This place looked like the fast-food version of the flight industry. It was outdated but kept up in the ways that mattered. A new paint job could brief life in that sleepy little town airport or perhaps it was a part of its charm.

You look a longing look around before following blindly behind Taehyung to the baggage claim assuming the exit was nearby. Reaching in your pocket you pulled out your phone and took it off airplane mode. A pause of a few seconds before the rapid dinging chirped from your device. Jimin. He was as surprised as Taehyung. Both that you were out, and that your mother let you out. Even if it was temporary, it was rare for her to agree without Jimin begging her to give you a few 'vacation days'.

You had a good plan. Tell your mother Jimin flew down out to meet you on his own dime, and from there the two of you decided to go spend the weekend in West Virginia. Your mother wanted to keep tabs on you because you were seen as a family embarrassment. There was no maternal nature in her annoying over baring gesture of worry. She would get the notification of the charges on the credit card, but she didn't care enough to check the dates. As long as you sounded convincing enough, you could make her believe whatever you needed her to. It was shady and cruel, but being related by blood didn't mean they deserved your respect. Being birthed by them doesn't mean they deserve your loyalty.

You texted Jimin your plan and slipped your phone back into your back pocket. The two of you passed by the baggage claim, having planned the trip on such short notice that neither of you had brought a single thing with you for the trip. Your eyes wandered to the large glass windows scattered about the airport, seeing nothing but a blanket of darkness outside. It was already late, and going out in search of something you didn't know what you were looking for in the middle of the night didn't seem like the smartest idea.

Reaching out you grabbed onto Taehyung's arm just as the exit was in sight. Getting his attention he whipped his head back to you. Reaching back into your pocket you pulled out your parent's credit card and placed it in Taehyung's hand. "Why don't you go outside and get a rental car?" Gesturing your free hand behind you, you thumbed toward a little shop in the corner of the airport. They sold a few travel accessories and necessities. "Then come find me. I'll grab up some stuff for the trip."

"Deal." Leaning over he pressed his lips to your temple. You could feel the curve of his lips against your skin before he pulled his warmth back. He made your craziness make sense. Treating all this as if it was the most normal thing in the world. What was normal about accompanying your fiance on a spontaneous trip to a state you had never been nor planned on going to, just so she can wander around looking for clues about hallucinations. Yeah, if you tell Mr. Andrews this, you'd be locked up indefinitely.

Heading outside you watched his body disappear out of the automatic doors and get cloaked in the darkness as he headed across the parking lot to the rental car center. Taking in a breath you turned to the little gift shop and headed in. Noticing a red basket near the large entranceway you snagged it and hooked the metal loops in your arm. You sauntered around slowly, dragging your feet as you looked at each little thing before you.

It was one of those rare times where you could see a town's pride made in little cheaply made shrines. This state was proud of its wildlife, natural scenery, and some bridge called 'The New River Gorge Bridge', mouthful. It was rather ordinary, nothing, in particular, standing out as you continued your perusing.

You wandered over toward the travel supplies and began to load a variety of bottles into your little red basket. Unsure which products were worth the price. At the same time, their price didn't matter as much as you hated to lug around useless things on a trip. You picked out a couple of shampoos, conditions, tubes of toothpaste, brushes, and a pack of hair ties just in case.

You began to wonder about the rest of the shop. Nearing the small grocery areas, you could smell the freshly baked items that they put out earlier that day. The smell causing your stomach to rumble but deciding to get food from an airport so small probably wasn't the best idea. Stopping by the postcards, you unexpectedly began to look at each card a little closer. Looking for something that seemed familiar or stood out to you. Mostly they were pop designs of the state or a picture of a bridge in various areas. This place and bridges.

"Ready?" A deep voice echoed near your ear causing vibration to rattle your body in surprise. Jumping at his sudden introduction you whipped your head back to look at him. He stood there in his baggy clothes with the dorkiest smile spread across his lips as he raised the newly collected car keys.

"Aha, Yeah." You stifled a laugh at his goofy expression and turned toward the check-out counter. Carefully you set your basket down on the counter and looked back at Taehyung. Reaching out he offered back your credit card as the older woman behind the counter rang your items up silently.

You gave Taehyung a reassuring smile, feeling the radiation of his happiness seeping into you. You couldn't worry long with him by your side. Letting your eyes wander from your embarrassing admiration of the man you were with, you looked to the check-out counter and waited politely for instruction on when to insert your card.

Just as you noticed her reach for the final few items a blocky figure caught your eye beside the counter. Looking over you noticed a few sleeved umbrellas hanging on a nearby hook. Frowning your brows you reached out for one of the umbrellas, grabbing the first one available on the hook. You handed the clerk a simple matte black umbrella and asked "Could you add this, please?" She offered a brisk nod as he took the item from you and scanned it.

"57.38" Her harsh voice came out grainy and rough. Springing to life you shoved your parent's credit card in the slot and finished your transaction. Taking the bagged items from the counter as soon as your receipt was offered. You stuffed the useless piece of paper in your pocket with your credit card.

Turning your head up to Taehyung, the two of you began to head for the airport's exit. "So, what kind of car were you able to get?" Your brow hiked up in question, shifting the bags in your hand to the crook of your elbows despite Taehyung's hand out waiting to take the bags from you. 

"You'll see." His cheeks perked and puffed out with his grin. Instantly you grew suspicious of his actions. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you, but that didn't mean you were safe from harmless fun. How devious was he feeling today?

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