Ch. 85 - Sleet

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No one kept track of time, the dashboard lights were off, and the highlights illuminated your way. Taehyung drove in silence, your fingers running through his hair as his digits traced lines over the fabric on your legs. You had shifted your head to the side to stare out the windshield with him. You wanted to see every last bit the world had to offer. Intricate snowflakes fell to the earth in a flurry too fast to admire their individuality.  The sunrise couldn't penetrate the snowstorm clouds that clung to the sky like a scared child to its mother. There were no sorrowful goodbyes to be had any longer. it was a moot point for you to say goodbye to Taehyung. 

Your eyes caught the reflecting light of the highlights of a road sign. That was the signal you were waiting for. You knew now what to do, but was the time right? Unwrapping yourself from Taehyung, you took a breath as you leaned back and let your hands rest closely on his chest. Taehyung turned to look at you between glances at the frozen road. No one noticed that the sun behind the clouds was warming the water in the sky while the earth's temperature allowed it to refreeze as it fell. 

"Are you ready?" You had to ask. You couldn't bring yourself to deny him preparation for what was to come. More so that he may not realize how close that moment was. "I'm ready for forever with you." Pinching your lips together, you smiled at him, refusing to let tears stain your eyes. You had cried all you could cry now. Reaching up, you cupped his cheek as you stroked his skin. He kept the road in the corner of his eye. 

His eyes were the shade of ambers, bright enough to shine in the shadows. You often kept your gaze on the soil or tilted up to the sky, but when you were brave enough to meet his honey-brown eyes, a shiver of golden light would race down your spine every time. He could bask in your skin with a softness that spoke wordlessly to your soul. Leaning forward, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Without warning, you twisted in your seat, swung your right leg over Taehyung's lap, and straddled his waist. With a broad smile, you leaned into his chest as you hugged him. His arms over yours, hands finding their way back to the wheel after some light swerving. You could hear the spike in his heart rate at his surprise, causing a soft chuckle to leave your chest. Your head curled into his neck. He regained control of the car with one hand while the other wrapped around your waist. 

"Hey Bear, 

It turns out I'm not brave enough to lie to my big brother. Today will be one of the worst days of your life, but you will get through it. Remember what I said; There was nothing you could have done. This was a choice; please know that. A greater mission has been laid before us, calling forth to a world you can't remember. We all get recycled at some point. The soul moves on, and the memories remain, sending good ripples ever onward. Goodbyes can shatter a soul. Yet therein exists the proof of loving bonds. Remember the times our souls smiled together, reached out so invincibly, yet tangled indefinitely. Death is the end of a chapter, not the whole story. So as this body makes ready to return to the soil, my spirit will watch over you and live in your heart for eternity. From whence I was sent, my soul shall return to the Ancient of Days, and dying is the gateway. Don't worry, my brother, for it is never goodbye with you, only farewell. When you die, many years from now, come sit with us in the after as long as you wish. You are such fantastic company, and I want to hear a lifetime of stories. There is more to life after the lights go out, and that's where we will be waiting for you when the time comes for you to join us. 

I love you,
Your little sister, Babs."

Your chest expanded as you filled your lungs with a deep breath, the fresh forest air finding its way through the vents as you could taste winter on your tongue. The hum of the radio was drowned out of focus. Your hands slipped into the collar of his shirt to let your hand touch the skin of his back, rubbing your nails over his shoulder blades ever so softly. You took in that warmth, the radiance of his skin, and the bliss it brought you. To be this close to someone and love this deeply could kill you. It was an inner conflict, wishing there was some way in which Taehyung could walk away from this. He went home to Jimin and lived the rest of his life, but at the same time, you felt selfish. If there were anyone in existence you'd want to be there at the end; it would be him. Prying away from him, you leaned back to meet his earthy eyes. 

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