Ch. 4 - Family

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"Babs!" A heavenly sweet singsong voice called out from down the hall. All it took was one name to wipe the day's worries clean. Your brows perked as your shoulders raised in surprise. That voice sounded like music after an evening listening to Doctor Andrews. Your heart fluttered with happiness that was lost every time the owner of that voice was away. He had such a beautiful voice, one that could lul you to sleep and bring you a sense of comfort that no one quite could, in the same comforting way.

Rushing around, you swung on the tile floor like a surprised puppy. Your socks making your glide smooth and effortless. There was only one person allowed to call you that. As soon as your eyes made contact with the stalky figure down the hall you couldn't withhold your beaming smile. "Bear!" You cheered back.

It was a pair of stupid nicknames you two had given each other. His and an abbreviation of two words while yours was the result of the lack of two front teeth at the age of four. You had tried to repeat his nickname back to him only to come back with the name for a stuffed animal. Either way, it stuck. You didn't use the names too often now that you both were adults, but never the less every once in a while you'd hear that nickname and it would melt away your stress for a short time. 'Babs' stood for Baby Sister.

Without a second to spare, you dropped the grey blanket in your hands and left it abandoned on the floor. Charging forward despite the 'no running in the halls' policy that the hospital inforced. Quickly, he sent down the brown paper sack in his hand by his feet on the cold floor. His arms opened wide as he welcomed your charge. Laughter and giggles ensued as the two of you collided against one another. Your arms wrapped around his neck in a vise grip as you jumped toward him. His strong arms wrapped around your back and hugged you close. He let the motion of your run propel you both in a few joyful spins, laughing as you wondered if he could hold up your weight. He did so effortlessly just like when you were young. Your brother saw things from such a beautiful point of optimism.

He hadn't been by in over a month. Though your enthusiasm to see him would make people believe it has been years since you last met. As Jimin spun you around in circles your messy hair swirling about making you squealed with glee. He was the only one you could embrace like this publically without the staff's prying eyes. They didn't care for the commotion you caused every time you got to see your big brother, but seeing him was the happiest the medical staff had ever seen you. They let the temporary disturbance slide.

"You didn't mention you were coming!" You scolded as your brother loosened his grip and put you down, making sure both feet were planted firmly on the tile floor before he let go. "I look like crap, you could have given me a heads up!" You beat your arm against his chest in a light punch. The creeping smile on your lips let him know you weren't actually angry. 

"Hey, what can I say? Surprise visits are the best kind." His honeyed voice remarked with a shit-eating grin. He always did this, show up unexpectedly. Inwardly, you knew why. He never wanted to promise he'd be there the next day only to fall through if something came up. He was trying to be considerate as to not get your hopes up, all the while being mindful to never break a promise. He was covering a sad truth with a wonderful lie dressed in sporadic nature. You'd let him live the lie, because you knew it made him feel better for you to believe it. "Have you eaten yet?" Swiftly, he changed the subject.

With a shake of your head, you gestured a thumb back the way you had come. "I was heading to lunch." You flopped your hand back down at your side. "Wanna join me for some off-brand and oh-so crappy hospital food?" Trying to make light of the situation you tossed jokes per-usual when you were in a rare good mood. Dark humor was a coping mechanism from time to time, even if it was in bad taste.

"God, no." His face distorted in disgust. His thick upper lip curled toward his nose as it scrunched at the thought of eating that imitation cardboard they called food. He had eaten enough of the hospital food with you, you didn't have to torment him with anymore of it. "I've got something better." Turning from you, he stepped down the hall a few paces before bending down to grab the wrinkled brown paper bag he had left behind. He held the back up near his face and gestured his free palm under it. He showcased it as it was a game show price. "I've got crack." His lips thinned as his smile widened, mocking those late-night infomercials with his tone of voice.

A quick breath entered you as you gasped quickly. Stepping forward, your fingers reached out to the bag in logging. "Bobby's?" Your fingered grazed the bottom of the bag, able to see the seeping grease marks that the oily food inside caused. Your eyes turned toward him, beaming with hope as you wondered if it could be true. You could feel your mouth water and your stomach grumbling in your stomach. The smell so rich it caused your tongue to buzz with the remembrance of a past taste.

"Yup!" He knew the best burger joint in town because you two had found it together. Beginning of freshmen year a new burger joint opened up on the south side of town. Jimin drove the two of you down to their mid-day grand opening and insisted you two sample the food together. Needless to say, it was one of the best burgers you had ever eaten. Thus, earning the name of 'crack' due to its irresistible taste. It must have been going on two years since you last tasted the greasy goodness of Bobby's Burgers. The hospital was a good hour from the burger joint, not to mention you didn't get many days outside of these walls.

Nimble hands quickly snatched the bag away and yanked it to yourself. You unfolded the creases and let the scent of grilled meat hit your nose, causing a satisfied sigh to leave soon after. You barely noticed the multitude of burgers that were wrapped in the bag under the mountain of fresh fries before Jimin quickly snatched the bag back.

"Hey now." His lips pouted at you before glancing down the hall to the right. "If I leave you alone with this bag it'll turn into a murder scene before I even get one." He wasn't wrong. It had been a while since you tasted food on the 'outside' and your mouth was already watering. You wanted the food so badly you could taste it on the tip of your tongue. "Let's go to your room and eat so no one has to witness the beast you turn into when you're given these burgers."

Your upper lip curled up and in, flashing your teeth as you grinned like a horse. You hadn't been this excited to go back to your room in ages. A long but strong arm wrapped around your shoulders and yanked you into a tight side hug. Yup, this is why the nickname 'Bear' fit him so well. His embrace was unlike any other. Warm and inviting. Strong and comforting. If home could be a person, it was him. Your parents never gave you hugs like that. There was no embrace that they could give that would make you feel at peace, not like Jimin could. It was as if all the love that they were intended to give you was funneled into their son. He was the standing figure in your life that never faltered. Distant due to circumstance, he was never really gone. Calls every day, a listening ear in times of turmoil, and compassion that was everlasting. You were incapable of feeling unwanted with him, no matter how bad things got. He really was the glue in the cracks of your shattered life.

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