Ch. 61 - Brother

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"Bear!" You screamed as you rushed into the hospital room. You left your mother behind in the parking lot. She walked casually from the limo as if she had all the time in the world, even though Jimin may not. You got the room number from the reception desk and was directed to the intensive care unit. Walking into the room, you froze as you noticed the tubes coming out of your big brother. He was on a ventilator. A tube shoved far into his throat that breathed for him. Raising your hands you covered your mouth as you let out a silent cry. Your feet dragged toward his bedside, with each step reality set in. His arm was wrapped and his legs looked bumpy with bandages under the covers.

His eye was blackened and his hair slicked back out of his face. As you reached his side your hand left your lips and moved to his cheek. "Oh, Bear..." You called out between tears. "What happened to you?" Sniffling you stroked the back of your fingers against his cheek. You did nothing but touch him and cry in the minutes it took your mother to make her way up to the room. You heard the click of her heels on the hospital floor come to a stop at the doorway.

Looking over your shoulder you laid your tear-stained eyes on her. In your surprise, her hand laid over her heart and her eyes rounded large. She looked genuinely surprised at the sight. "Mom?" You questioned as she remained unmoving. "I'm..." She started, her eyes locked on Jimin's face. "I'm going to go speak to the doctor." Covering her mouth she hugged her designer bag to her chest. Turning she rushed out of the room. You couldn't bring yourself to dwell on her strange behavior, your only worry was Jimin.

Pulling a chair from the corner of the room you brought it to Jimin's bedside and planted yourself beside him. This is the spot you'd stay as long as it took for him to wake up. You'd never leave his side. He was your twin flame, he understood you the best. He had loved you since the moment you were born, unlike your parents.

After about thirty minutes had passed before your mother returned with the doctor on her tail. Taking in a breath you wiped your eyes and looked to them for answers. "What happened to him?" You asked. Your words choked in your throat, pushing past the tears.

"He had some internal bleeding due to the car collision. We operated and managed to find the bleed. We repaired the damage, but he lost a large amount of blood. He'll be on the ventilator until he wakes up." The doctor said, trying to add compassion to his voice, but his words felt so scripted.

"So... he's going to be okay? Right?" Looking to the doctor with desperation in your eyes. "We won't know for sure until he wakes up and we can assess him further." Your lips curled as you tried to fight back the flow of tears. Your eyes returned to Jimin, squeezing his hand tightly. You could only hope he knew you were there and that you wouldn't leave him.

The doctor exchanged a few more words with your mother before making his departure. The room fell silent, only the beeping sounds of the machines hooked up to Jimin echoed in the small ICU room.

"I'm going to call your father." Your mother said after a minute. God forbid she sit by her son's side as he laid broken in the hospital bed. "Go." You said, waving her off without looking in her direction. You weren't in the mood to deal with her bad parenting right now. All that mattered was Jimin waking up. Stroking his hand as you held it in yours, hoping somewhere deep down it would comfort him.

Your mom returned after twenty minutes, only to announce she was going for coffee and she'd be back eventually. Figures. Two hours passed with no word or no improvement on Jimin's part. With each minute that passed, you grew more worried that he may never wake despite the fact that you tried to keep your hopes high for his sake.

Laying your head against his bed you tried to rest your eyes, but as you did a loud voice startled you back up. "Y/N!" Your name was called loudly causing you to flinch as you looked to the door.

"Taehyung!" You responded, getting up from your seat to rush into his arms. "How'd you find out?" You asked, knowing you should have likely been the one to call him, however, you left your phone at the hospital lock-up, not finding time to get it in your rush to your brother. "I stopped by work to grab something and noticed you were gone. I called your mother and she told me what happened." Wrapping his arms around you tight he tried his best to comfort you.

"Is he okay?" He asked after a brief pause. Your lips tightened and you fought back the tears once more. "They said they don't know until he wakes up. He had internal bleeding, but they managed to repair the damage." Taking in a deep breath you rested your head on his shoulder. "I'm guessing they don't know if he has brain damage or not..."

"My god..." Taehyung whispered, holding you tightly before slowly releasing his grasp on you. You whipped your face and followed his body as he made his way to Jimin's side. Jimin was your brother, but to Taehyung that was his best friend. You could see Taehyung struggling to hold back his own tears. You went to the other side of the bed where you once were and looked at Taehyung from across Jimin's body.

"He's going to be alright... He has to be alright." You corrected with more conviction as you took your brother's hand in yours. "He's a fighter," Taehyung reassured. "He won't go down easy."

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