Ch. 17 - Long Last

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Snuggling up on those black leather car seats made your heart sing with delight. Different textures, vibrant colors, fresh air... it radiated with a glowing sense of freedom you had missed terribly. Letting your mind drift as your body relaxed against the course seat belt that crossed your chest, your head leaning for the window. A deep breath released from your lungs as the lull of Jimin's radio filled the silent air. You clutched at the opening of your high school lettermen jacket as you tugged it tighter around yourself. The fact that he hand-picked his own jacket for you to wear told you how much effort and thought he was putting into the night. You were grateful for the selfless gesture, unaware of how much the cold night air bit. Fall was finding the end of its cycle and winter crept behind the mountainous corner. 

As you zoned out from reality you didn't notice the scenery begin to change outside the car windows. It was dark enough to forget about anything but the road ahead and the car around you. A selection of time when nothing existed except you, your brother, and the open road. Jimin was a safe driver compared to most, along with the nice suspension he had installed on his white Chevrolet Camaro. On the right road, you could almost believe you were gliding through space and time. The closest feeling to flying without jumping out of a plane. A flash of lighting brought your attention up to the sky, watching the dark cloud swirl in the void black sky. The moon was full, causing an intense glow that was quickly fading just behind the clouds. A storm was blowing in, the scent of rain lingered in the distance but the rumble of thunder sounded faint and far away. Silently you hoped it wouldn't ruin any plans Taehyung had for the evening. 

Twenty minutes had passed before you slipped out of your blissful trance. You missed being outside so much that you were incapable of letting yourself worry about the possibility of an approaching storm. Jimin took the off-ramp from the highway and began the drive the two of you even further from town. You raised a single brow, twisting your head toward your brother as you questioned why he was leading you out to B.F.E.***Jimin caught your eyes before you could speak. His brows flared up as his right shoulder raised and fell, brushing off your question before you could even ask with so much sass. 

"Where are we?" Asking anyway you kept your gaze fixated at your mischievous older brother. His eyes stayed forward now, avoiding eye contact but the smile on his lips let you know he was playing a game. "Here." His smart-ass responded as his cheeks pulled back and puffed out with his glee. He was entertained by the most trivial things, but to see such a bright smile from just taunting his sister wasn't something you would complain about. He deserved that smile, a smile that you only gave each other. A sibling love made unbreakable by the absence of parental affection. A bond so strong you'd take the love Jimin provided with you to the grave. 

"Where is here?" Knowing there was no point in asking, you played along to his whims. Tossing your head back against your seat you let your voice carry out a low and slow groan in protest. As per your sisterly right. If you just played along long enough, he'd give you the answer. "Not there." This time he bit on his upper lip in an attempt to keep his laughter to himself. He was pushing your buttons now, and he knew it. 

Leaning your hand up you pressed your knuckles against your lips as you desperately try not to smack your brother for trying your last nerve. Reminding yourself how you had actually missed him. No matter if he was a pain in the ass, he was still a light that radiated your life with more joy than you would have otherwise. You were blessed with two best friends in life, each holding a piece of your soul. Perhaps there was a difference between Twin-flames and Soul-mates. 

Exchanging knowing looks, Jimin lost his fight to hold back his laughter. He began to snicker to himself, softly at first but it gradually grew louder. Your brows scrunched in irritation at the fact that you had to play a head game just to figure out where you were heading. Jerking your chin the other way you noticed how the interior of the car was growing more bright. The dark sky aglow with fluorescent neons as the car neared an open patch of land just outside of town. Your eyes wandered over the dancing lights, widening to take in the sights. You leaned forward against your seat belt, looking for a better view as Jimin drove slowly alongside the event - waiting to get into the parking lot in a line of cars all trying to scramble for a parking spot. There was a sparkle in your eyes as you rounded the loop of the gigantic Faris wheel that consumed your sight. Taehyung was taking you on a date to the state fair. It was childish how your skin began to tingle at the idea. You remembered a date nearly a decade ago. Sweet sixteen and a late-night date at the fair. What a time to be alive. That was the last time you had seen the fair, having been institutionalized only two years later. You missed the excitement of it all. The greasy food, the rigged carnival games, and the dangerous rides that made you sick. Mostly, you missed experiencing those things with him. 

Abandoning your desire to smack the smartass out of Jimin you gravitated toward the car window as you leaned against the door and drank in your sights. You could feel your heart pump quickly as you grabbed onto the car handle, wanting to burst out of the mental box. You knew Taehung was close, waiting for you and the seconds were agonizing. You began to search the passing faces of the carnival crowd as they herded themselves toward the entrance gate, looking for him. As you neared closer to the open gates you could see the extravagant lights that lit up the way in. The sparkle in your eye growing ever brighter. 

The car rolled to a stop before you found your target. Turning toward the center of the car, you pressed your thumb into the seat belt latch and let the rollers draw the strap back from your shoulder. The knowing look exchanged this time was one filled with much more sorrow. You knew since he was dropping you by the door that he wouldn't be coming with you. There was never enough time, and when there was Jimin sacrificed his time with his family so his best friend could see the love of his life. Just another thing the hospital took from you. 

Reaching over the center console you hooked your left arm onto his neck and pulled him in, despite his seat belt's protest. Jimin's arm swirled your back and hugged you with his right arm. "Thank you." Two words of gratitude that applied to more than just one action. He convinced your parents to give you a day off. Arranged it for a day when Taehyung was off. Drove you to a date with your fiance, and gave up the previous time with his sister all for nothing. He expected nothing more than your happiness. "Anything for you, Babs." Jimin's honey-smooth voice whispered back as he rested his head against your shoulder, squeezing fighting one more time before he began to let his grip loosen. "Have fun tonight, okay?" There was your compassionate brother, lurking just behind the sarcastic asshole. He was all the family you needed. 

"I will." Reaching for the knob again you popped the door open and swung your legs out of the car, planting them firmly on the sidewalk. Turning back one more time you gave your brother a bright smile as you added a quick. "Love you!" He returned your smile, and with a nod of his head he shooed you off to go enjoy your date. A giggle escaping your lips as you pushed yourself out and the car and shut the car door with a light twirl of your body. Bending down you peeked back into the window and waved to Jimin, a sweet parting.

Your hands found their way into the pockets of your lettermen jacket as you turned around to face the main gates. Your shoes scraping across the gritty pavement as you tried to stay out of the way of passing patrons as they tried to make their way inside. You didn't want to go inside without Taehyung, but was he here yet? Scrunching your nose you narrowed your eyes and tried to cherry-pick through the crowd. The chatter from the distant crowd filled the area with white noise. The adrenaline-filled screams from the nearby carnival rides made it impossible to call out for him. 

Your fingers wrapping around the phone in your pocket. Just as you were about to unsheath it from your jacket your eyes stopped on a lurking figure just to the left to the gates. Long legs covered in dark dipped jeans, thick black boots standing in a shallow puddle. Your eyes followed up to the lengthy man as you took notice of a familiar collared chocolate brown cloak that covered a high white v-neck shirt. The tassels of his black and off-white scar tangling in the consistent wind that brought the night to life. His face had been shadowed by a looming black umbrella he held over his head. The small puddles scattered across the ground told you it had just been sprinkling, to your comfort it had stopped. Taehyung was prepared, for your sake. 

It was moments like these that lead you to fall in love. That secret sight you had into moments of time such as these. He could never see how he looked right now, standing alone in the misty night air ready for his date. The way his brown eyes sparkled with excitement in the neon lights, and even a trace of nervousness after all this time. You could see it in the twitch in the corner of his mouth when he looked behind him toward the waiting fair. The possibilities the night held the ways in which he could get you to smile tonight. The thoughts delighted his mind and shifted his expression in such a way he would never be able to see in a mirror. You lost yourself admiring the sight of him. 

The frozen woman standing in the crowd started to form a commotion from passing people as they had to step out of their way to avoid you, it was enough to catch Taehyung attention. His brows knit together for a moment, questioning why you were just standing there staring at him as opposed to walking over. He quickly found admiration in the action and let his lips curl into an endearing smile. Raising his hand he held it up in the air and extended a finger. Curling his finger toward himself his lips mouthed silently. 'Come here, baby.' and like that, you surrendered yourself to the craving and let your feel carry you to him. 

*** B.F.E = Bum Fuck Egypt

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