Ch. 73 - Days

94 13 21

The female nurse Kasey asked for an escort back to her room and paid the request no mind. Plenty of people around were absent-minded and had trouble remembering important details of their lives. It was understandable for some to be lost and unable to find their place of rest. Kasey's sense of decoration wasn't perfect, thus being unable to find her way back to her hospital room after eating food in the shared cafeteria in thick awkward silence after her phone call. 

Kasey knew no one around her, not a single face brought forth any memories of her own or yours. No one approached her with a conversation, no one even looked her way. She blended quietly into the background, and for the time being that was okay. It was easier to keep her secrets if there weren't people tripping her up on information she didn't know. 

Reaching her bedroom the nurse turned toward Kasey and gestured to the door. "Thanks." She added before the nurse offered a faint smile and a simple "No problem." Before going to deal with more important tasks. Psychiatric nurses were like qualified babysitters. They could be doing much more productive things than showing a lost patient where their room is. For a moment, Kasey felt bad for her before washing away the thought - reminded that the woman's life was made up of her own choices. Kasey reached for the knob of the door and headed into the boxed white prison she apparently called home. 

Something felt off as soon as she touched the door. There was a sinking cold that crept through her fingers and made her hand ache. Her brows furrowed but she persevered forward. A gush of cold wind blew against her face as the door cracked and she slipped a foot into the threshold. 

Kasey felt it, that strange ping of caution that made its way up her spine. Something was wrong. Narrowing her eyes she took another step, quickly noticing the lack of light to aluminated the room. It was pitch black, how could such bright white walls be so void of any light? 

Lightswitch. Kasey's hand glided along the white wall closes the door and rubbed her fingers over the smooth surface in search of the little twitch. As she let her sense of touch guild her, she drifted further away from the door that lead into the hall. Releasing the door she figured she just needed to move a little further. As soon as her fingers released the solid wooden frame it quickly slammed shut with a thunderous slam. The cold air drifted back to her in a windy breeze that caused her to inhale quickly with her surprise. This was a hospital, there weren't any windows open! Where was this air coming from? 


Kasey felt the last beat of her heart before it stopped in her chest. Her blood ran cold, eyes rounding at the deep sound of her own name. His throat rattled at the last notes, a demonic hiss lingering in the 's' of her name. Flenching her freezing fingers into fists she whipped toward the voice as her heart began to beat in overdrive. 


Her voice earned a demented snicker of delight. Her eyes couldn't process the depths of darkness that lay before her eyes. She couldn't see her hand in front of her face if she had tried. Her hearing shifted into hyperdrive as that was the only sense she had in her defense. "You can't remember your own life, yet you remember me?" His words followed his hollow laughter. "Am I supposed to be flattered?" His voice dropped down in tone, drawing out painfully long with a hint of attitude biting at his words. Kasey could hear the angering seething deep inside him. 

Kasey had no comeback. There was nothing she could say that was going to ease his rage. She angered him, the oldest being to ever exist. "What did you do to me?" Kasey found her voice again, choking back the fear the best she could. The inability to see him made things worse, his voice echoed off the walls and appeared to be coming from all around her, making the adrenaline in her blood continue to pump as her heart restarted. 

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