Ch. 60 - Emergency

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You ran with the nurse to the front entrance, your blanket still clutched in your hands and wrapped around your shoulders like a cape. You nearly slipped on the corner of the quilt as you turned the last right corner and could see the front desk in view. Your mother standing with her back to you. You knew it was her by the pompous way in which she stood. Her short hair curled tightly. "Mom!" You called out, unable to wait for an explanation of what was going on.

She turned to face you as you reached the front desk. Her blue eyes staring down at you, her expression was void of emotion, per usual. It was impossible to read her expressions, she kept them locked away deep inside herself to maintain her perfect persona. Her heels made her tall, causing you to look up to her height. "What's going on?" You asked, finding her silence deafening.

"Come with me, honey." She said, her head cocked to the side as she gestured to the door. "We'll talk in private." She added as she headed for the door. Looking to the nurse, you silently questioned if you were able to just walk out. She gave you a nod. "You're good to go. Your mother sighed a temporary release form." Slapping the counter you replied a quick "Thanks" before whipping your head toward your mother and rushing to catch up with her pace.

Once you were safely outside you bothered her again for answers. "Not till we're in the car." She shushed you with a mean glint in her eye. She was a private woman, she only bragged about the family's accomplishments and hid away anything that would make the world view her in a negative light. Negative family moments stayed hidden in private conversations. You hurried toward the road where you could see your mother's custom white limo parked on the street, ready to go. Of course, she had to bring the limo to a mental hospital. So much for low profile.

The driver opened the back door as your mother climbed inside first. You hurried in behind her and took a seat a few feet away. "Okay. Now tell me!" You said much higher than intended for an enclosed space. Your anxiety was through the roof and each passing second made it worse.

"It's Jimin." She said slowly. Your heart sunk, a feeling you were getting used to. Fear struck you deep, and your first thought was "Is he..." dead? You couldn't bring yourself to say it aloud. "He was in an accident." Her eyes lowered for a moment that made that paralyzing fear sink into your bones. "He's in the hospital." You let out a deep breath you had been holding in. If he's in the hospital that meant he was alive. "How bad is it?!" You blurted out as your wide eyes stared at your mother, begging for answers.

Your mother chewed at her lips, gating the words she was too emotional to say. "I don't know." She lied, but you had no way of knowing that. She was being selfish, choosing to fake ignorance over telling you the truth. If you knew, you'd hate her for it. She didn't want you to shoot the messenger. "Who is with him now?!" Your voice wasn't able to maintain control of its volume. Your heart thumped heavily in your chest, your palms shook, and sweat. Every fiber of your being was screaming with agony that you were burying down the best you possibly could.

"That Lexi girl." She said with distaste, her nose crinkling in disgust. Your eyes rolled and cast off to the side. Of course, Lexi would be at his side. God forbid your father acted as such and went to be at his son's side. The accident had to be bad. Bad enough to cause your mother whom you hadn't seen for nearly a year to come to the hospital out of the blue. She could have just called you, sent a car for you. Instead, she personally came.

Lowering your head you covered your face with your hands as you tried to hold back your tormented screams. Instead, they came out as sobs as you shook in your seat. This couldn't be happening. How could your life possibly get more complicated? What were the chances of your luck being this sour?

"The choice is simple, Y/N. Your life, or Jimin and Taehyung's lives."

You remembered his words. The words of Death. Was he behind all this? Was he torturing you because of Kasey's mistakes? Was he real?! Lacing your fingers into your hair you grabbed at your skull and began to rock yourself back and forth in an attempt to soothe yourself. Your mother's eyes narrowed on you, seeing your disheveled state as just another reason to consider you 'crazy'. If you looked into those blue eyes, would you see pity or disgust? You didn't care about that now. You didn't care about her at all. Jimin was your family, your only blood relative you'd consider close to your heart. He deserved so much more out of life, this couldn't be his end.

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