Ch. 41 - Art

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Time was extremely limited and after a restless night of sleep. You decided you had to know what's become of Kasey's father. Waking up hours before Taehyung, you searched on your phone finding Kasey's original birth record and the father's name listed. Gregory Bowers.

You read about his extensive career at a local law firm, and two decades ago he started taking car wrecks resulting in the fatality of a child pro bono. He won nearly every case he represented. Statements from the families all remarked at how tirelessly their lawyer fought for justice for their children. He did it to honor her, his only daughter. Mr. Bowsers had made a name for himself in the local town and rumors of his generosity to car wreck victims spread. They named a wing of the library after him, he requested art be displayed on the walls in honor of his late daughter who admired the arts before her passing. 

That's where you started. Saturday morning, wide-eyed and early you walked into the book-filled space, the smell of freshly turned pages fill the space around you. The sweet scent fresh books held and the grainy feeling of the processed paper on your fingers. Electronic readers were new age, but nothing beat the feeling of a good book.

The library functioned as both. A book store and lending library for the town. It was a clever way to stay relevant in the new age day of technology. You expressed your desire to check out the book store but neglected to mention why. Taehyung wondered about the purchasable books, browsing the shelves for something to take home and read later. Venturing away on your own, you headed toward the south wing. You wanted to see the art, you wanted to see if they were honoring Mr. Bowser's request.

Much to your surprise you stepped into the spacious area and looked around the room through the row of bookshelves. Each wall was decorated with art, a new piece just a few feet from the last. They were displayed like an art gallery, lights mounted above each painting to illuminate the art. You'd consider it an art museum if you didn't know better.  Heading along the left wall, you took in each piece of art. There were oil paintings and acrylics. Photography and digital design. It was incredible how they tried to display the diversity in the art world, and how each piece had a small plack under it that read the name of the artist. After a while, you made it back around to the south wing's entrance and noticed a small golden plack hanging by the door. Nearing close, you squinted your eyes to read.

"In honor of Kasey Bowers, we welcome the south wing. The art displayed here is rotated every three months and submitted to us by the schools all over Virginia."

Below it, was submission information so that anyone who wished to have their art displayed could fill out a form. A smile crept to your lips that you couldn't put down. It was admirable and so incredibly sweet of the sleepy small town to do something for a widowed old man. Kasey never got to see this art display. She never got to see all the good her father had done, but all of it was because of her. It was the cruelty of life, that one's death could be a blessing for the next. So much beauty came from the darkness, but there was no darkness without the light.

Rounding the corner, Taehyung's busy brown hair popped into view as he caught sight of you. "There you are." He pointed out. How long had he been looking for you? "Yeah. Sorry." You looked up to him, still brandishing that bitter-sweet smile, but he could tell there was something on your mind, for once part of him was nervous to ask. You saved him the anxiety.

"I have to find him, Tae." His shoulders fell as he stepped from around the corner and released a low breath. He looked to the floor for a moment, debating on if he should speak his mind, but he knew the answer was yes. "I'm worried this might send you into a tailspin." He admitted, keeping his voice a little lower than normal. Trying to keep your business private so no 'nosey Naceys' could overhear.

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