Ch. - 53 No More Rain

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Flipping the page of the self-help book Dr. Brown gave you, your eyes scanned over the words carefully. You took more interest in it than you'd like to admit. The book was about living with mental illness, it had chapters of mentally ill people had written detailing ways they dealt with their own issues. It was informative, and you picked up a thing or two. It's not like you had anything better to do. It was late, but sleep wasn't happening. You kept the lights on and occupied your time with a decent book.

"Y/N." A voice called out from behind you, before you could register who it was you jerked in surprise and drop the book. Hitting the floor, it made a loud thud that only added to your unease. As quickly as the breath returned to your lungs you placed the voice. "Taehyung?" You asked, turning around in your seat to look to the door, confirming. You knew his voice, you never wanted to forget his words or the pitch in which he spoke them. "You okay?" He whispered after the thud didn't warnent anyone else to walk in and figure out what the sound was. 

"Yeah?" Your brows frowned as you looked at him funny. Today had been rather uneventful, so you were unsure why he seemed sure you weren't okay. Taehyung's eyes flickered up to the single window in the room. It was only then that you noticed the rain running down the glass. The sound of water hitting the window in spermatic patterns coming to your ears. The rain, it always sent you into a sense of panic. You kept a good handle on the weather, trying to predict which days would rain so you could mentally prepare yourself for the coming storm. 

This time was different. Your eyes glistened off the glass window as you continue to stare. Your body remained still and your expression blank. "I'm okay." You said, lowering your gaze back to Taehyung as you gave him a small smile. "I didn't even realize it started to rain." You added, shrugging it off with a bounce of your shoulders. 

"That's good!" Taehyung said, of course, he was happy but he understood how quickly things could go from good to bad with your mentality. "That means you're getting better, doesn't it?" He didn't want to instill false hope into you or lead you to believe a fairytale. He wholeheartedly believed one day you'd get your happily ever after and be released from this prison. 

"Maybe." You said with a shrug, not wanting to instill false hope either. Looking back to the window you took in the sight of the rain. It was peculiar how the rain didn't seem to affect you today. Even the thought of a larger storm to come didn't feel frightening. You would take the unexpected blessing, you already had so much to deal with mentally. Perhaps it was the graveyard, the rain didn't seem as terrifying as it once was. It was just a part of life. 

Your eyes turned back to Taehyung before patting the open space beside her on the bed. It was late, and the night shift had fewer nurses. They stayed out of the rooms of sleeping patients unless in the case of an emergency. Getting eight hours of sleep is critical is what Dr. Andrews recommended. Thus far, Dr. Brown hadn't changed the policy. For now, that was helpful as it allowed Taehyung to sneak into your room without the fear of someone finding them as opposed to day shifts. 

Approaching, Taehyung sat beside you on the plain white bed and looked at you. His chocolate eyes were as sweet as candy making it hard to look away. The swirls of brown and gold circling his pupils was hypnotic. Snapping out of your gawking admiration of his eyes, you took in a breath. You noticed the discomfort on his face first, before he would question your exhale. "What's wrong?" You asked, turning your body to face him on the bed. 

Lowering his gaze he looked to your hand and took it in his. With a warm squeeze of his fingers, you assumed whatever he needed to say was going to be difficult. It was always expected for your luck to be the worst. "I need to tell you something." He whispered as his hand squeezed yours tighter. "Tell me." You whispered leaning toward him as his voice was so low. 

"Mr. Bowsers..." Your mouth fell open and your heart fell. "He died." Pinching your lips together you swallowed the lump in your throat and tried to take a breath. "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He added, reaching out to hold your shoulder and brace your body with comfort. Opening your mouth to speak was pointless, the words were locked in your heart and surrounded by the pain of his death. Losing someone leaves a piece of your heart forever missing, it's only remembering the love you had with them while they were alive is that dulls the pain over time. 

A deep pain filled your chest as you reached up and brought your arms to yourself. You placed a hand on your chest, trying to feel your shattered heart. Your eyes blinked away the tears but they lost the battle. Steams of water poured down your cheeks. Taehyung leaned forward, wrapping his arms around your weak frame. Why did it hurt so incredibly much? A man you met once felt more like a father than yours did. You felt the love in his touch and the joy in his smile thinking of his daughter. You wished you could have been his daughter, having a close-knit family like that was only a pipe dream for you. Did he leave that big of an impact through one meeting? You weren't his daughter, even if you let him believe that you were. 

Wrapping your arms around him you buried your face in his neck and sobbed. His shirt muffled your cries and your shaking hands held tight against his back. For a few minutes, you did nothing but cry. Trying to find your voice again, you pushed yourself back from Taehyung to take a few deep breaths. "I want to go to his funeral." Red tear-stained eyes looked to Taehyung with conviction. "Can you find out when the funeral is?" You asked, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tight. He looked at you with an empty gaze, once again questioning if this really was what was best for you. 

"He thought I was his daughter, Taehyung. I know I shouldn't have played along, but I weighed the good versus the bad. I could see it in his eyes he needed closer. He called me an 'angel'." You paused for a moment the laugh through the tears. "I know he was probably confused and may have not even remembered that day." Looking down to your clasped hands with his, you breathed in time paints as you tried to stop the tears. "He might not have anyone to attend his funeral, but Mr. Bowsers deserves more than that. I need to go." 

"Okay." He said, raising his hand to cup your cheek. "I'll figure out what day it is and I'll get those days off." He was formulating a plan so quickly. How could he say no to the love of his life? What he could do was be there for you every step of the way. "I'll call my parents in the morning." A bittersweet smile was shared between you too before he leaned in to kiss your lips every so softly. 

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