Ch. 23 - Honey

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Guilt began to seep into your bones like bitter honey when you flopped down in the passenger seat of Taehyung's car. Looking up you could see the carnival through a thick chain link fence. The bright neon hues color the sky with light and wonder. What was a date without a mental breakdown to spice things up? God forbid you acted like a normal young woman in her twenties - that'd just be a crime. Putting your hands down you rested them in your lap, curling your legs to the side as you pulled yourself closer to the passenger door while Taehyung rounded his sensable Toyota Highlander. It wasn't anyone's dream car by any means but it was new off the lot and the current year. Outragest payments despite how hard Taehyung worked to keep his credit squeaky clean. He had never missed a payment on a bill since he was sixteen. It wasn't hard to figure out who the responsible one of the two of you was.

Hearing the driver's door click, you watched Taehyung crouch into the car and swing himself inside. A gust of cool air followed him into the car and blew back your framed bangs. An unexpected chill finding its way up to your spine from the brisk breeze. Your senses felt heightened, your anxiety attack hadn't completely passed. You knew that though, that's why you were leaving the fair and ending your date on such a poor note.

One look at you and Taehyung's worry worsened. He could tell in your recoiled frame and jittering muscles, that you still felt rattled. His chestnut eyes scaled your fragile body pulled away from him, retreating toward the door. You looked like a prairie dog frightened in their hole. Along with the anxiety that was taking its sweet time to dissipate, you also felt shame and regret being the reason your date was coming to an end. The look in his eyes was reminiscent of pity or concern, but you knew better. He would never look at you with judgment. He would never demonize you for your illness. He was so much better than what society tried to make people out to be. The perfect amount of compassion and understanding filled him.

"Baby..." Taehyung whispered out softly. His right hand reaching for your center as he tenderly sought out your touch.

Every fiber of your being screamed in rage when you flinched at his welcoming touch. It was involuntary and unintentional. You'd never stray from his embrace, yet your body betrayed you. You did not fear him, nor his touch. Your body was not of your own control when an attack came. Every muscle twitched, every thought raced by, your heart thumping hard in your chest, and your mind the cruelest of them all as it filled your head with thoughts of anger and sadness.

Slowly, he calmed your shaking fingers as his grasp did not waver. He knew your reaction was involuntary, he knew you well enough to know the difference between rejection and jitters. He wrapped his palm around your clasped hands resting at your lap. With the warmth of his hand, you could feel the heat soothe you ever so slowly. The heat seeping into your skin like warm milk. A feeling you'd never not crave. His touch brought life back to you, waking you from the daze that was an unsettling mind. He grounded you back to reality. Looking from your hands to his eyes, you surrender your attention to him.

"Don't feel bad about us leaving the fair." His tone mimicked that of someone scolding you as sweetly as possible. Your eyes averted for a brief moment, repeating his words to yourself silently in your head. "We spent so much time window shopping in there, I was worried we'd run out of time for the second part of the date!" Excitement burst into his voice as he leaned closer to the car's center, closer to you. The corner of his lips curled up as he tried to bite back his beautiful smile. "The carnival was only the beginning of our night."

He made a white lie sound so radiant. You couldn't imagine he had planned that far ahead on such short notice. Your lips curled as you smiled at him from under your lashes. You couldn't help but appreciate his efforts to lift your spirits. He was putting his all into your time together, and that alone erased any little white lies he could tell. You knew it was for your sake. A lie that hurt no one and helped to heal one? Those lies could always be forgiven.

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