Ch. 36 - Familiar

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Stepping out of the car you wondered toward the side walk before stepping across the concert into the damp grass. The ground was soggy and uneven, puddles of water scattered about in the sunken pockets of earth. Despite the lack of rain, the dark sky swirled with clouds of grey and blocked out the moon. You could see the dull white hue trying its best to erupt from the concealing clouds above to no avail. Taehyung kept a few steps behind you, following you deeper into the park as you wondered toward the distance playground. Street lamps weathered and old, providing a dirty yellow light around you. It was enough to take in your surroundings. The mositure in the air caused the scents around you to amplify. The lingering sweetness of roses tickled at your nose as you noticed a patch of over grown roses bushes engulfing the base of a near by tree. The roses flush with pastel blossoms thats brought color to the world around you along with the dandelions and clovers that poking through the over grown grass.

Each step was lighter then the next, as if the area was drawing you near. The popping yellow dandelions attracted you to the color first, but your eyes settled on a plastic tube on the playground that mimiced the flowers in color. It was small, to small for you to fit. The plasic dirty and damaged. A hole puncured the side as graffti made the playground have a darker feel to it then it would other wise. Reaching the sand pit that circled the playground aquitment, you stepped over the boarder that kept the sand in and letting your feet sink into the damp sand as you approached the apple of your eye.

You took in a slow breath that cooled your chest and surved to sooth your nerves. A sense of comfort came from looking at the playground. Was it longing? A silent desire to have spent your childhood on a playground like this with kids from a public school and the only worries to be had would be what to put in your mud pie next. You weren't so lucky to have such a life, being the daughter of wealthy parents. It was private schools, tutors, and playing in your own backyard. Your parents had the audacity to wonder why you were antisocial. That didn't explain why this playground felt so familiar though. Reaching out you placed your hand against the hard yellow plastic and let the cold chill your fingers as you traced the graffti with a single finger.

"It looks like no one really comes here." Taehyung voice cut through the gentle breeze from behind you. Looking back over your shoulder you could see him taking in the sights just as you had. "It seems that way." You answered back with a low sigh. There was a sense of sorrow seeing a place supposed to be filled with laughter and happiness now discheviled and broken. A place forgotten by time and the town.

Turning back to the circular tube you stepped closer and brought your face near the large hole in the side of the plastic. Peeking your head inside your took a look at the scribblings on the interior. A mixture of weathered names and inisicals, some with hearts around them or a simple '4ever' underneither. A rememberance of young love and the creativity of past vistors in the form of more unfavorable graffti. From afar, the distruction and vandalizium decreased the parks value, but something about the unquic handwritting and etchings of the past added charm. The inside was like the guest book at a wedding, a roster of all those who once loved the area eough to mark it permentally. That was enough for you to internally forgive the delinquents for their actions.

Pulling your head back you took in another low breath as you turned back to Taehyung. Crossing your arms at your chest, you clenched your jaw as you took another look around. The damp wind licking your skin as the impending storm grew closer by the minute. The cherp of crickles filling the empty silence. "I can't put my finger on it..." You started to say as you brought your eyes up to Taehyung and let him engulf your view. Your eyes falling half lid as you tried to place the feelings deep in your gut. "This place just seems familar." Covering your statement with a hasty laugh laced with tense nerves. You didn't need anyone to tell you how insane you sounded.

"Do you know why?" Taehyung asked without judgement, despite having every reasons to doubt you. His expression remained calm and collected. He kept himself together for you, knowing at any point this all may become to much for you to handle. You offered back a shake of your head before looking down to your feet. The toes of your shoes dirtied with specks of mud from your treck off the beaten path.

Taehyung's boots stepped into your sight as your head bounced back up to his gaze, he had stepped forward toward you. Reaching out carefully he took your right hand with his left and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Give it time." His lips perked up in a kind smile as his earthy eyes stared down at you. "If you're ment to know, you will."

Your fingers tightened around his palm as you returned his smile with a weak one. Nodding your head up and down now as you tried to take his words of comfort to heart. His chin pointed upward soon after as his eyes pointed to the black sky above, watching as the grey clouds seemed to be moving more quickly then when you had arrived. You took notice of the increaing wind speed and the heavier scent of rain making its way into the park. Tilting his head back down he looked disapointed to point out "We should find a hotel." Leaving out the fact that he was suggesting it due to the impending rain that you dreaded.

"Yeah." You agreed, stepping forward with him as he kept hold on your hand and started back to the car. "A hot shower does sound nice right about now." Sighing into the open air, you noticed your breath turned into a cool cloud before your lips as the tempture was contuining to drop. "Is that an invitation?" Taehyung's playful voice questioned as he looked beside himself to you with a cocked brow and a crooked smile. Your eyes rolled as a more genuine laugh found its way up your throat. "We'll see."

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